
IImageTransformOperationCollection interface

Represents a collection of effects apllied to an image.

public interface IImageTransformOperationCollection : ICollection<IImageTransformOperation>


AsIEnumerable { get; }Returns IEnumerable interface. Read-only IEnumerable.
Item { get; }Returns an IImageTransformOperation from the collection by it’s index.


AddAlphaBiLevelEffect(float)Adds the new Alpha Bi-Level effect to the end of a collection.
AddAlphaCeilingEffect()Adds the new Alpha Ceiling effect to the end of a collection.
AddAlphaFloorEffect()Adds the new Alpha Floor effect to the end of a collection.
AddAlphaInverseEffect()Adds the new Alpha Inverse effect to the end of a collection.
AddAlphaModulateEffect()Adds the new Alpha Modulate effect to the end of a collection.
AddAlphaModulateFixedEffect(float)Adds the new Alpha Modulate Fixed effect to the end of a collection.
AddAlphaReplaceEffect(float)Adds the new Alpha Replace effect to the end of a collection.
AddBiLevelEffect(float)Adds the new Bi-Level (black/white) effect to the end of a collection.
AddBlurEffect(double, bool)Adds the new Blur effect to the end of a collection.
AddColorChangeEffect()Adds the new Color Change effect to the end of a collection.
AddColorReplaceEffect()Adds the new Color Replacement effect to the end of a collection.
AddDuotoneEffect()Adds the new Duotone effect to the end of a collection.
AddFillOverlayEffect()Adds the new Fill Overlay effect to the end of a collection.
AddGrayScaleEffect()Adds the new Gray Scale effect to the end of a collection.
AddHSLEffect(float, float, float)Adds the new Hue/Saturation/Luminance effect to the end of a collection.
AddLuminanceEffect(float, float)Adds the new Luminance effect to the end of a collection.
AddTintEffect(float, float)Adds the new Tint effect to the end of a collection.
RemoveAt(int)Removes an image effect from a collection at the specified index.

See Also