
GifOptions class

Represents GIF exporting options.

public class GifOptions : SaveOptions, IGifOptions


GifOptions()Initializes a new instance of the GifOptions class.


DefaultDelay { get; set; }Gets or sets default delay time [ms]. This value will be used if AdvanceAfterTime is not set. The default value is 1000.
DefaultRegularFont { get; set; }Returns or sets font used in case source font is not found. Read-write String.
ExportHiddenSlides { get; set; }Determines whether hidden slides will be exported. The default value is false.
FrameSize { get; set; }Gets or sets frame size.
GradientStyle { get; set; }Returns or sets the visual style of the gradient. Read/write GradientStyle.
ProgressCallback { get; set; }Represents a callback object for saving progress updates in percentage. See IProgressCallback.
SkipJavaScriptLinks { get; set; }Specifies whether to skip hyperlinks with JavaScript calls when saving the presentation. Read/write Boolean. The default value is false.
TransitionFps { get; set; }Gets or sets transition FPS [frames/sec] The default value is 25.
WarningCallback { get; set; }Returns of sets an object which receives warnings and decides whether loading process will continue or will be aborted. Read/write IWarningCallback.


The following example shows how to converting presentations to animated GIF using custom settings.

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
    pres.Save("pres.gif", SaveFormat.Gif, new GifOptions
        FrameSize = new Size(960, 720), // the size of the resulted GIF
        DefaultDelay = 2000, // how long each slide will be showed until it will be changed to the next one
        TransitionFps = 35 // increase FPS to better transition animation quality

See Also