OverrideTheme class

OverrideTheme class

Represents a overriding theme.


The OverrideTheme type exposes the following members:


color_schemeReturns the color scheme.
Read-only IColorScheme.
font_schemeReturns the font scheme.
Read-only IFontScheme.
format_schemeReturns the shape format scheme.
Read-only IFormatScheme.
presentationReturns the parent presentation.
Read-only IPresentation.
is_emptyTrue value means that ColorScheme, FontScheme, FormatScheme is None and any overriding with this theme object are disabled.
Read-only bool.


get_effectiveGets effective theme data with the inheritance applied.
init_color_schemeInit ColorScheme with new object for overriding ColorScheme of InheritedTheme.
init_color_scheme_fromInit ColorScheme with new object for overriding ColorScheme of InheritedTheme.
init_color_scheme_from_inheritedInit ColorScheme with new object for overriding ColorScheme of InheritedTheme. And initialize data of this new object with data of the ColorScheme of InheritedTheme.
init_font_schemeInit FontScheme with new object for overriding FontScheme of InheritedTheme.
init_font_scheme_fromInit FontScheme with new object for overriding FontScheme of InheritedTheme.
init_font_scheme_from_inheritedInit FontScheme with new object for overriding FontScheme of InheritedTheme. And initialize data of this new object with data of the FontScheme of InheritedTheme.
init_format_schemeInit FormatScheme with new object for overriding FormatScheme of InheritedTheme.
init_format_scheme_fromInit FormatScheme with new object for overriding FormatScheme of InheritedTheme.
init_format_scheme_from_inheritedInit FormatScheme with new object for overriding FormatScheme of InheritedTheme. And initialize data of this new object with data of the FormatScheme of InheritedTheme.
clearSet ColorScheme, FontScheme, FormatScheme to None to disable any overriding with this theme object.

See Also