Resolution class

Resolution class

Represents a resolution unit.

Inheritance: ResolutionDimensionNumericUnit

The Resolution type exposes the following members:


unit_typeGets the unit type of the Unit.


get_valueGets the unit value.
get_valueGets the value converted to the specified UnitType.
equalsDetermines whether the specified Unit, is equal to this instance.
from_centimetersReturns a Length object that is represented in centimeters.
from_millimetersReturns a Length object that is represented in millimeters.
from_quarter_millimetersReturns a Length object that is represented in quarter-millimeters.
from_inchesReturns a Length object that is represented in inches.
from_picasReturns a Length object that is represented in picas.
from_pointsReturns a Length object that is represented in points.
from_pixelsReturns a Length object that is represented in pixels.
from_degreesReturns a Angle object that is represented in degrees.
from_gradiansReturns a Angle object that is represented in gradians.
from_radiansReturns a Angle object that is represented in radians.
from_turnsReturns a Angle object that is represented in turns.
from_secondsReturns a Time object that is represented in seconds.
from_millisecondsReturns a Time object that is represented in milliseconds.
from_hertzReturns a Frequency object that is represented in hertz.
from_kilo_hertzReturns a Frequency object that is represented in kiloHertz.
from_dots_per_inchReturns a Resolution object that is represented in dots per inch.
from_dots_per_centimetersReturns a Resolution object that is represented in dots per centimeters.
from_dots_per_pixelReturns a Resolution object that is represented in dots per pixels.
compare_toCompares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.

See Also