Unit class

Unit class

Provides the base class for units of measurement.

The Unit type exposes the following members:


unit_typeGets the unit type of the Unit.


equalsDetermines whether the specified Unit, is equal to this instance.
from_centimetersReturns a Length object that is represented in centimeters.
from_millimetersReturns a Length object that is represented in millimeters.
from_quarter_millimetersReturns a Length object that is represented in quarter-millimeters.
from_inchesReturns a Length object that is represented in inches.
from_picasReturns a Length object that is represented in picas.
from_pointsReturns a Length object that is represented in points.
from_pixelsReturns a Length object that is represented in pixels.
from_degreesReturns a Angle object that is represented in degrees.
from_gradiansReturns a Angle object that is represented in gradians.
from_radiansReturns a Angle object that is represented in radians.
from_turnsReturns a Angle object that is represented in turns.
from_secondsReturns a Time object that is represented in seconds.
from_millisecondsReturns a Time object that is represented in milliseconds.
from_hertzReturns a Frequency object that is represented in hertz.
from_kilo_hertzReturns a Frequency object that is represented in kiloHertz.
from_dots_per_inchReturns a Resolution object that is represented in dots per inch.
from_dots_per_centimetersReturns a Resolution object that is represented in dots per centimeters.
from_dots_per_pixelReturns a Resolution object that is represented in dots per pixels.

See Also