
PrjKey enumeration

Represents a list of supported project fields.


Member name Description
SHOW_PROJECT_SUMMARY_TASK Represents the ShowProjectSummaryTask (Project) field.
SAVE_VERSION Represents the SaveVersion (Project) field.
UID Represents the Uid (Project) field.
TITLE Represents the Title (Project) field.
SUBJECT Represents the Subject (Project) field.
CATEGORY Represents the Category (Project) field.
COMPANY Represents the Company (Project) field.
MANAGER Represents the Manager (Project) field.
AUTHOR Represents the Author (Project) field.
CREATION_DATE Represents the CreationDate (Project) field.
REVISION Represents the Revision (Project) field.
LAST_SAVED Represents the LastSaved (Project) field.
SCHEDULE_FROM_START Represents the ScheduleFromStart (Project) field.
START_DATE Represents the StartDate (Project) field.
FINISH_DATE Represents the FinishDate (Project) field.
FY_START_DATE Represents the
CRITICAL_SLACK_LIMIT Represents the CriticalSlackLimit (Project) field.
CURRENCY_DIGITS Represents the CurrencyDigits (Project) field.
CURRENCY_SYMBOL Represents the CurrencySymbol (Project) field.
CURRENCY_CODE Represents the CurrencyCode (Project) field.
CURRENCY_SYMBOL_POSITION Represents the CurrencySymbolPosition (Project) field.
CALENDAR Represents the Calendar (Project) field.
DATE_FORMAT Represents the DateFormat (Project) field.
DEFAULT_START_TIME Represents the DefaultStartTime (Project) field.
DEFAULT_FINISH_TIME Represents the DefaultFinishTime (Project) field.
MINUTES_PER_DAY Represents the MinutesPerDay (Project) field.
MINUTES_PER_WEEK Represents the MinutesPerWeek (Project) field.
DAYS_PER_MONTH Represents the DaysPerMonth (Project) field.
DEFAULT_TASK_TYPE Represents the DefaultTaskType (Project) field.
DEFAULT_FIXED_COST_ACCRUAL Represents the DefaultFixedCostAccrual (Project) field.
DEFAULT_STANDARD_RATE Represents the DefaultStandardRate (Project) field.
DEFAULT_OVERTIME_RATE Represents the DefaultOvertimeRate (Project) field.
DURATION_FORMAT Represents the DurationFormat (Project) field.
WORK_FORMAT Represents the WorkFormat (Project) field.
ARE_EDITABLE_ACTUAL_COSTS Represents the AreEditableActualCosts (Project) field.
HONOR_CONSTRAINTS Represents the HonorConstraints (Project) field.
EARNED_VALUE_METHOD Represents the EarnedValueMethod (Project) field.
INSERTED_PROJECTS_LIKE_SUMMARY Represents the InsertedProjectsLikeSummary (Project) field.
MULTIPLE_CRITICAL_PATHS Represents the MultipleCriticalPaths (Project) field.
NEW_TASKS_EFFORT_DRIVEN Represents the NewTasksEffortDriven (Project) field.
NEW_TASKS_ESTIMATED Represents the NewTasksEstimated (Project) field.
SPLITS_IN_PROGRESS_TASKS Represents the SplitsInProgressTasks (Project) field.
SPREAD_ACTUAL_COSTS Represents the SpreadActualCosts (Project) field.
SPREAD_PERCENT_COMPLETE Represents the SpreadPercentComplete (Project) field.
TASK_UPDATES_RESOURCE Represents the TaskUpdatesResource (Project) field.
FISCAL_YEAR_START Represents the FiscalYearStart (Project) field.
WEEK_START_DAY Represents the WeekStartDay (Project) field.
MOVE_COMPLETED_ENDS_BACK Represents the MoveCompletedEndsBack (Project) field.
MOVE_REMAINING_STARTS_BACK Represents the MoveRemainingStartsBack (Project) field.
MOVE_REMAINING_STARTS_FORWARD Represents the MoveRemainingStartsForward (Project) field.
MOVE_COMPLETED_ENDS_FORWARD Represents the MoveCompletedEndsForward (Project) field.
BASELINE_FOR_EARNED_VALUE Represents the BaselineForEarnedValue (Project) field.
AUTO_ADD_NEW_RESOURCES_AND_TASKS Represents the AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks (Project) field.
STATUS_DATE Represents the StatusDate (Project) field.
CURRENT_DATE Represents the CurrentDate (Project) field.
MICROSOFT_PROJECT_SERVER_URL Represents the MicrosoftProjectServerURL (Project) field.
AUTOLINK Represents the Autolink (Project) field.
NEW_TASK_START_DATE Represents the NewTaskStartDate (Project) field.
DEFAULT_TASK_EV_METHOD Represents the DefaultTaskEVMethod (Project) field.
EXTENDED_CREATION_DATE Represents the ExtendedCreationDate (Project) field.
ACTUALS_IN_SYNC Represents the ActualsInSync (Project) field.
PROJECT_EXTERNALLY_EDITED Represents the ProjectExternallyEdited (Project) field.
REMOVE_FILE_PROPERTIES Represents the RemoveFileProperties (Project) field.
ADMIN_PROJECT Represents the AdminProject (Project) field.
NAME Represents the Name (Project) field.
TIMESCALE_START Represents the TimescaleStart (Project) field.
TIMESCALE_FINISH Represents the TimescaleFinish (Project) field.
COMMENTS Represents the Comments (Project) field.
KEYWORDS Represents the Keywords (Project) field.
TEMPLATE Represents the Template (Project) field.
LAST_AUTHOR Represents the LastAuthor (Project) field.
LAST_PRINTED Represents the LastPrinted (Project) field.
HYPERLINK_BASE Represents the HyperlinkBase (Project) field.
NEW_TASKS_ARE_MANUAL Represents the NewTasksAreManual (Project) field.
UPDATE_MANUALLY_SCHEDULED_TASKS_WHEN_EDITING_LINKS Represents the UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks (Project) field.
KEEP_TASK_ON_NEAREST_WORKING_TIME_WHEN_MADE_AUTO_SCHEDULED Represents the KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled (Project) field.
DEFAULT_CALENDAR_GUID Default calendar guid.
DEFAULT_CALENDAR_UID Default calendar uid.
GUID Represents the guid of a project.
CUSTOM_DATE_FORMAT Represents user-defined date format.
TEMPLATE_FULL_PATH Represents the Template (Project) full file name.

See Also