PrjKey enumeration
Represents a list of supported project fields.
Member name | Description |
SHOW_PROJECT_SUMMARY_TASK | Represents the ShowProjectSummaryTask (Project) field. |
SAVE_VERSION | Represents the SaveVersion (Project) field. |
UID | Represents the Uid (Project) field. |
TITLE | Represents the Title (Project) field. |
SUBJECT | Represents the Subject (Project) field. |
CATEGORY | Represents the Category (Project) field. |
COMPANY | Represents the Company (Project) field. |
MANAGER | Represents the Manager (Project) field. |
AUTHOR | Represents the Author (Project) field. |
CREATION_DATE | Represents the CreationDate (Project) field. |
REVISION | Represents the Revision (Project) field. |
LAST_SAVED | Represents the LastSaved (Project) field. |
SCHEDULE_FROM_START | Represents the ScheduleFromStart (Project) field. |
START_DATE | Represents the StartDate (Project) field. |
FINISH_DATE | Represents the FinishDate (Project) field. |
FY_START_DATE | Represents the |
CRITICAL_SLACK_LIMIT | Represents the CriticalSlackLimit (Project) field. |
CURRENCY_DIGITS | Represents the CurrencyDigits (Project) field. |
CURRENCY_SYMBOL | Represents the CurrencySymbol (Project) field. |
CURRENCY_CODE | Represents the CurrencyCode (Project) field. |
CURRENCY_SYMBOL_POSITION | Represents the CurrencySymbolPosition (Project) field. |
CALENDAR | Represents the Calendar (Project) field. |
DATE_FORMAT | Represents the DateFormat (Project) field. |
DEFAULT_START_TIME | Represents the DefaultStartTime (Project) field. |
DEFAULT_FINISH_TIME | Represents the DefaultFinishTime (Project) field. |
MINUTES_PER_DAY | Represents the MinutesPerDay (Project) field. |
MINUTES_PER_WEEK | Represents the MinutesPerWeek (Project) field. |
DAYS_PER_MONTH | Represents the DaysPerMonth (Project) field. |
DEFAULT_TASK_TYPE | Represents the DefaultTaskType (Project) field. |
DEFAULT_FIXED_COST_ACCRUAL | Represents the DefaultFixedCostAccrual (Project) field. |
DEFAULT_STANDARD_RATE | Represents the DefaultStandardRate (Project) field. |
DEFAULT_OVERTIME_RATE | Represents the DefaultOvertimeRate (Project) field. |
DURATION_FORMAT | Represents the DurationFormat (Project) field. |
WORK_FORMAT | Represents the WorkFormat (Project) field. |
ARE_EDITABLE_ACTUAL_COSTS | Represents the AreEditableActualCosts (Project) field. |
HONOR_CONSTRAINTS | Represents the HonorConstraints (Project) field. |
EARNED_VALUE_METHOD | Represents the EarnedValueMethod (Project) field. |
INSERTED_PROJECTS_LIKE_SUMMARY | Represents the InsertedProjectsLikeSummary (Project) field. |
MULTIPLE_CRITICAL_PATHS | Represents the MultipleCriticalPaths (Project) field. |
NEW_TASKS_EFFORT_DRIVEN | Represents the NewTasksEffortDriven (Project) field. |
NEW_TASKS_ESTIMATED | Represents the NewTasksEstimated (Project) field. |
SPLITS_IN_PROGRESS_TASKS | Represents the SplitsInProgressTasks (Project) field. |
SPREAD_ACTUAL_COSTS | Represents the SpreadActualCosts (Project) field. |
SPREAD_PERCENT_COMPLETE | Represents the SpreadPercentComplete (Project) field. |
TASK_UPDATES_RESOURCE | Represents the TaskUpdatesResource (Project) field. |
FISCAL_YEAR_START | Represents the FiscalYearStart (Project) field. |
WEEK_START_DAY | Represents the WeekStartDay (Project) field. |
MOVE_COMPLETED_ENDS_BACK | Represents the MoveCompletedEndsBack (Project) field. |
MOVE_REMAINING_STARTS_BACK | Represents the MoveRemainingStartsBack (Project) field. |
MOVE_REMAINING_STARTS_FORWARD | Represents the MoveRemainingStartsForward (Project) field. |
MOVE_COMPLETED_ENDS_FORWARD | Represents the MoveCompletedEndsForward (Project) field. |
BASELINE_FOR_EARNED_VALUE | Represents the BaselineForEarnedValue (Project) field. |
AUTO_ADD_NEW_RESOURCES_AND_TASKS | Represents the AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks (Project) field. |
STATUS_DATE | Represents the StatusDate (Project) field. |
CURRENT_DATE | Represents the CurrentDate (Project) field. |
MICROSOFT_PROJECT_SERVER_URL | Represents the MicrosoftProjectServerURL (Project) field. |
AUTOLINK | Represents the Autolink (Project) field. |
NEW_TASK_START_DATE | Represents the NewTaskStartDate (Project) field. |
DEFAULT_TASK_EV_METHOD | Represents the DefaultTaskEVMethod (Project) field. |
EXTENDED_CREATION_DATE | Represents the ExtendedCreationDate (Project) field. |
ACTUALS_IN_SYNC | Represents the ActualsInSync (Project) field. |
PROJECT_EXTERNALLY_EDITED | Represents the ProjectExternallyEdited (Project) field. |
REMOVE_FILE_PROPERTIES | Represents the RemoveFileProperties (Project) field. |
ADMIN_PROJECT | Represents the AdminProject (Project) field. |
NAME | Represents the Name (Project) field. |
TIMESCALE_START | Represents the TimescaleStart (Project) field. |
TIMESCALE_FINISH | Represents the TimescaleFinish (Project) field. |
COMMENTS | Represents the Comments (Project) field. |
KEYWORDS | Represents the Keywords (Project) field. |
TEMPLATE | Represents the Template (Project) field. |
LAST_AUTHOR | Represents the LastAuthor (Project) field. |
LAST_PRINTED | Represents the LastPrinted (Project) field. |
HYPERLINK_BASE | Represents the HyperlinkBase (Project) field. |
NEW_TASKS_ARE_MANUAL | Represents the NewTasksAreManual (Project) field. |
UPDATE_MANUALLY_SCHEDULED_TASKS_WHEN_EDITING_LINKS | Represents the UpdateManuallyScheduledTasksWhenEditingLinks (Project) field. |
KEEP_TASK_ON_NEAREST_WORKING_TIME_WHEN_MADE_AUTO_SCHEDULED | Represents the KeepTaskOnNearestWorkingTimeWhenMadeAutoScheduled (Project) field. |
DEFAULT_CALENDAR_GUID | Default calendar guid. |
DEFAULT_CALENDAR_UID | Default calendar uid. |
GUID | Represents the guid of a project. |
CUSTOM_DATE_FORMAT | Represents user-defined date format. |
TEMPLATE_FULL_PATH | Represents the Template (Project) full file name. |
See Also
- namespace aspose.tasks
- assembly Aspose.Tasks