
TimephasedData class

Represents a time phased data.

The TimephasedData type exposes the following members:


TimephasedData()Initializes a new instance of the TimephasedData class.


value_to_unitsGets float instance which represents string value of this object for unit-based time phased data.
uidGets or sets the unique identifier of a time phased data
startGets or sets the start date of a time phased data period.
finishGets or sets the finish date of a time phased data period.
unitGets or sets the time unit of a time phased data period.
timephased_data_typeGets or sets the type of a time phased data.
valueGets or sets the value per unit of time for a time phased data period.
value_to_durationGets datatime instance which represents string value of this object.
value_to_costGets float instance which represents string value of this object.


create_cost_timephased(uid, start, finish, value, time_unit, type)Creates and initializes a new instance of the TimephasedData class for cost-based time phased data.
create_cost_timephased(uid, start, finish, value, type)Creates and initializes a new instance of the TimephasedData class for cost-based time phased data.
create_work_timephased(uid, start, finish, value, time_unit, type)Creates and initializes a new instance of the TimephasedData class for work-based time phased data.
create_unit_timephased(uid, start, finish, units, type)Creates and initializes a new instance of the TimephasedData class for unit-based time phased data of an assignment of a material resource.

See Also