
TimeUnitType enumeration

Specifies the type of a time unit.


Member nameDescription
UNDEFINEDIndicates Undefined value means that the field was not defined in original project file.
MINUTEIndicates Minute time unit type.
ELAPSED_MINUTEIndicates Elapsed minute time unit type.
HOURIndicates Hour time unit type.
ELAPSED_HOURIndicates Elapsed hour time unit type.
DAYIndicates Day time unit type.
ELAPSED_DAYIndicates Elapsed day time unit type.
WEEKIndicates Week time unit type.
ELAPSED_WEEKIndicates Elapsed week time unit type.
MONTHIndicates Month time unit type.
ELAPSED_MONTHIndicates Elapsed month time unit type.
PERCENTIndicates Percent time unit type.
ELAPSED_PERCENTIndicates Elapsed percent time unit type.
NULLIndicates Null time unit type.
MINUTE_ESTIMATEDIndicates Minute estimated time unit type.
ELAPSED_MINUTE_ESTIMATEDIndicates Elapsed minute estimated time unit type.
HOUR_ESTIMATEDIndicates Hour estimated time unit type.
ELAPSED_HOUR_ESTIMATEDIndicates Elapsed hour estimated time unit type.
DAY_ESTIMATEDIndicates Day estimated time unit type.
ELAPSED_DAY_ESTIMATEDIndicates Elapsed day estimated time unit type.
WEEK_ESTIMATEDIndicates Week estimated time unit type.
ELAPSED_WEEK_ESTIMATEDIndicates Elapsed week estimated time unit type.
MONTH_ESTIMATEDIndicates Month estimated time unit type.
ELAPSED_MONTH_ESTIMATEDIndicates Elapsed month estimated time unit type.
PERCENT_ESTIMATEDIndicates Percent estimated time unit type.
ELAPSED_PERCENT_ESTIMATEDIndicates Elapsed percent estimated time unit type.
YEARIndicates Year time unit type.

See Also