custom_toc_style_separator property
FieldOptions.custom_toc_style_separator property
Gets or sets custom style separator for the \t switch in FieldToc field.
def custom_toc_style_separator(self) -> str:
def custom_toc_style_separator(self, value: str):
By default, custom styles defined by the \t switch in the FieldToc field are separated by a delimiter taken from the current culture. This property overrides that behaviour by specifying a user defined delimiter.
Shows how to insert a TOC, and populate it with entries based on heading styles.
def field_toc():
doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# Insert a TOC field, which will compile all headings into a table of contents.
# For each heading, this field will create a line with the text in that heading style to the left,
# and the page the heading appears on to the right.
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_TOC, True).as_field_toc()
# Use the "bookmark_name" property to only list headings
# that appear within the bounds of a bookmark with the "MyBookmark" name.
field.bookmark_name = 'MyBookmark'
# Text with a built-in heading style, such as "Heading 1", applied to it will count as a heading.
# We can name additional styles to be picked up as headings by the TOC in this property and their TOC levels.
field.custom_styles = 'Quote; 6; Intense Quote; 7'
# By default, Styles/TOC levels are separated in the "custom_styles" property by a comma,
# but we can set a custom delimiter in this property.
doc.field_options.custom_toc_style_separator = ';'
# Configure the field to exclude any headings that have TOC levels outside of this range.
field.heading_level_range = '1-3'
# The TOC will not display the page numbers of headings whose TOC levels are within this range.
field.page_number_omitting_level_range = '2-5'
# Set a custom string that will separate every heading from its page number.
field.entry_separator = '-'
field.insert_hyperlinks = True
field.hide_in_web_layout = False
field.preserve_line_breaks = True
field.preserve_tabs = True
field.use_paragraph_outline_level = False
insert_new_page_with_heading(builder, 'First entry', 'Heading 1')
builder.writeln('Paragraph text.')
insert_new_page_with_heading(builder, 'Second entry', 'Heading 1')
insert_new_page_with_heading(builder, 'Third entry', 'Quote')
insert_new_page_with_heading(builder, 'Fourth entry', 'Intense Quote')
# These two headings will have the page numbers omitted because they are within the "2-5" range.
insert_new_page_with_heading(builder, 'Fifth entry', 'Heading 2')
insert_new_page_with_heading(builder, 'Sixth entry', 'Heading 3')
# This entry does not appear because "Heading 4" is outside of the "1-3" range that we have set earlier.
insert_new_page_with_heading(builder, 'Seventh entry', 'Heading 4')
builder.writeln('Paragraph text.')
# This entry does not appear because it is outside the bookmark specified by the TOC.
insert_new_page_with_heading(builder, 'Eighth entry', 'Heading 1')
self.assertEqual(' TOC \\b MyBookmark \\t "Quote; 6; Intense Quote; 7" \\o 1-3 \\n 2-5 \\p - \\h \\x \\w', field.get_field_code())
doc.update_fields() + 'Field.field_toc.docx')
def insert_new_page_with_heading(builder: aw.DocumentBuilder, caption_text: str, style_name: str):
"""Start a new page and insert a paragraph of a specified style."""
original_style = builder.paragraph_format.style_name = builder.document.styles.get_by_name(style_name)
builder.writeln(caption_text) = builder.document.styles.get_by_name(original_style)
See Also
- module aspose.words.fields
- class FieldOptions