insert_paragraph_number_in_relative_context property
FieldRef.insert_paragraph_number_in_relative_context property
Gets or sets whether to insert the paragraph number of the referenced paragraph in relative context.
def insert_paragraph_number_in_relative_context(self) -> bool:
def insert_paragraph_number_in_relative_context(self, value: bool):
Shows how to insert REF fields to reference bookmarks.
def field_ref():
doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
builder.insert_footnote(aw.notes.FootnoteType.FOOTNOTE, 'MyBookmark footnote #1')
builder.write('Text that will appear in REF field')
builder.insert_footnote(aw.notes.FootnoteType.FOOTNOTE, 'MyBookmark footnote #2')
# We will apply a custom list format, where the amount of angle brackets indicates the list level we are currently at.
builder.list_format.list_level.number_format = '> \x0000'
# Insert a REF field that will contain the text within our bookmark, act as a hyperlink, and clone the bookmark's footnotes.
field = insert_field_ref(builder, 'MyBookmark', '', '\n')
field.include_note_or_comment = True
field.insert_hyperlink = True
self.assertEqual(' REF MyBookmark \\f \\h', field.get_field_code())
# Insert a REF field, and display whether the referenced bookmark is above or below it.
field = insert_field_ref(builder, 'MyBookmark', 'The referenced paragraph is ', ' this field.\n')
field.insert_relative_position = True
self.assertEqual(' REF MyBookmark \\p', field.get_field_code())
# Display the list number of the bookmark as it appears in the document.
field = insert_field_ref(builder, 'MyBookmark', "The bookmark's paragraph number is ", '\n')
field.insert_paragraph_number = True
self.assertEqual(' REF MyBookmark \\n', field.get_field_code())
# Display the bookmark's list number, but with non-delimiter characters, such as the angle brackets, omitted.
field = insert_field_ref(builder, 'MyBookmark', "The bookmark's paragraph number, non-delimiters suppressed, is ", '\n')
field.insert_paragraph_number = True
field.suppress_non_delimiters = True
self.assertEqual(' REF MyBookmark \\n \\t', field.get_field_code())
# Move down one list level.
builder.list_format.list_level_number += 1
builder.list_format.list_level.number_format = '>> \x0001'
# Display the list number of the bookmark and the numbers of all the list levels above it.
field = insert_field_ref(builder, 'MyBookmark', "The bookmark's full context paragraph number is ", '\n')
field.insert_paragraph_number_in_full_context = True
self.assertEqual(' REF MyBookmark \\w', field.get_field_code())
# Display the list level numbers between this REF field, and the bookmark that it is referencing.
field = insert_field_ref(builder, 'MyBookmark', "The bookmark's relative paragraph number is ", '\n')
field.insert_paragraph_number_in_relative_context = True
self.assertEqual(' REF MyBookmark \\r', field.get_field_code())
# At the end of the document, the bookmark will show up as a list item here.
builder.writeln('List level above bookmark')
builder.list_format.list_level_number += 1
builder.list_format.list_level.number_format = '>>> \x0002'
doc.update_fields() + 'Field.field_ref.docx')
def insert_field_ref(builder: aw.DocumentBuilder, bookmark_name: str, text_before: str, text_after: str) -> aw.fields.FieldRef:
"""Get the document builder to insert a REF field, reference a bookmark with it, and add text before and after it."""
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_REF, True).as_field_ref()
field.bookmark_name = bookmark_name
return field
See Also
- module aspose.words.fields
- class FieldRef