FieldSymbol class

FieldSymbol class

Implements a SYMBOL field. To learn more, visit the Working with Fields documentation article.


Retrieves the character whose code point value is specified in decimal or hexadecimal.

Inheritance: FieldSymbolField


FieldSymbol()The default constructor.


character_codeGets or sets the character’s code point value in decimal or hexadecimal.
display_resultGets the text that represents the displayed field result.
(Inherited from Field)
dont_affects_line_spacingGets or sets whether the character retrieved by the field affects the line spacing of the paragraph.
endGets the node that represents the field end.
(Inherited from Field)
font_nameGets or sets the name of the font of the character retrieved by the field.
font_sizeGets or sets the size in points of the font of the character retrieved by the field.
formatGets a FieldFormat object that provides typed access to field’s formatting.
(Inherited from Field)
is_ansiGets or sets whether the character code is interpreted as the value of an ANSI character.
is_dirtyGets or sets whether the current result of the field is no longer correct (stale) due to other modifications made to the document.
(Inherited from Field)
is_lockedGets or sets whether the field is locked (should not recalculate its result).
(Inherited from Field)
is_shift_jisGets or sets whether the character code is interpreted as the value of a SHIFT-JIS character.
is_unicodeGets or sets whether the character code is interpreted as the value of a Unicode character.
locale_idGets or sets the LCID of the field.
(Inherited from Field)
resultGets or sets text that is between the field separator and field end.
(Inherited from Field)
separatorGets the node that represents the field separator. Can be None.
(Inherited from Field)
startGets the node that represents the start of the field.
(Inherited from Field)
typeGets the Microsoft Word field type.
(Inherited from Field)


get_field_code()Returns text between field start and field separator (or field end if there is no separator). Both field code and field result of child fields are included.
(Inherited from Field)
get_field_code(include_child_field_codes)Returns text between field start and field separator (or field end if there is no separator).
(Inherited from Field)
remove()Removes the field from the document. Returns a node right after the field. If the field’s end is the last child of its parent node, returns its parent paragraph. If the field is already removed, returns None.
(Inherited from Field)
unlink()Performs the field unlink.
(Inherited from Field)
update()Performs the field update. Throws if the field is being updated already.
(Inherited from Field)
update(ignore_merge_format)Performs a field update. Throws if the field is being updated already.
(Inherited from Field)


Shows how to use the SYMBOL field.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# Below are three ways to use a SYMBOL field to display a single character.
# 1 -  Add a SYMBOL field which displays the © (Copyright) symbol, specified by an ANSI character code:
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_SYMBOL, True).as_field_symbol()
# The ANSI character code "U+00A9", or "169" in integer form, is reserved for the copyright symbol.
field.character_code = '169'
field.is_ansi = True
self.assertEqual(' SYMBOL  169 \\a', field.get_field_code())
builder.writeln(' Line 1')
# 2 -  Add a SYMBOL field which displays the ∞ (Infinity) symbol, and modify its appearance:
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_SYMBOL, True).as_field_symbol()
# In Unicode, the infinity symbol occupies the "221E" code.
field.character_code = str(8734)
field.is_unicode = True
# Change the font of our symbol after using the Windows Character Map
# to ensure that the font can represent that symbol.
field.font_name = 'Calibri'
field.font_size = '24'
# We can set this flag for tall symbols to make them not push down the rest of the text on their line.
field.dont_affects_line_spacing = True
self.assertEqual(' SYMBOL  8734 \\u \\f Calibri \\s 24 \\h', field.get_field_code())
builder.writeln('Line 2')
# 3 -  Add a SYMBOL field which displays the あ character,
# with a font that supports Shift-JIS (Windows-932) codepage:
field = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_SYMBOL, True).as_field_symbol()
field.font_name = 'MS Gothic'
field.character_code = str(33440)
field.is_shift_jis = True
self.assertEqual(' SYMBOL  33440 \\f "MS Gothic" \\j', field.get_field_code())
builder.write('Line 3') + 'Field.field_symbol.docx')

See Also