text property

FieldXE.text property

Gets or sets the text of the entry.

def text(self) -> str:

def text(self, value: str):


Shows how to create an INDEX field, and then use XE fields to populate it with entries.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# Create an INDEX field which will display an entry for each XE field found in the document.
# Each entry will display the XE field's Text property value on the left side
# and the page containing the XE field on the right.
# If the XE fields have the same value in their "text" property,
# the INDEX field will group them into one entry.
index = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_INDEX, True).as_field_index()
# Configure the INDEX field only to display XE fields that are within the bounds
# of a bookmark named "MainBookmark", and whose "entry_type" properties have a value of "A".
# For both INDEX and XE fields, the "entry_type" property only uses the first character of its string value.
index.bookmark_name = 'MainBookmark'
index.entry_type = 'A'
self.assertEqual(' INDEX  \\b MainBookmark \\f A', index.get_field_code())
# On a new page, start the bookmark with a name that matches the value
# of the INDEX field's "bookmark_name" property.
# The INDEX field will pick up this entry because it is inside the bookmark,
# and its entry type also matches the INDEX field's entry type.
index_entry = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_INDEX_ENTRY, True).as_field_xe()
index_entry.text = 'Index entry 1'
index_entry.entry_type = 'A'
self.assertEqual(' XE  "Index entry 1" \\f A', index_entry.get_field_code())
# Insert an XE field that will not appear in the INDEX because the entry types do not match.
index_entry = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_INDEX_ENTRY, True).as_field_xe()
index_entry.text = 'Index entry 2'
index_entry.entry_type = 'B'
# End the bookmark and insert an XE field afterwards.
# It is of the same type as the INDEX field, but will not appear
# since it is outside the bookmark's boundaries.
index_entry = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_INDEX_ENTRY, True).as_field_xe()
index_entry.text = 'Index entry 3'
index_entry.entry_type = 'A'
doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Field.field_index_filter.docx')

Shows how to populate an INDEX field with entries using XE fields, and also modify its appearance.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# Create an INDEX field which will display an entry for each XE field found in the document.
# Each entry will display the XE field's Text property value on the left side,
# and the number of the page that contains the XE field on the right.
# If the XE fields have the same value in their "text" property,
# the INDEX field will group them into one entry.
index = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_INDEX, True).as_field_index()
index.language_id = '1033'  # en-US
# Setting this property's value to "A" will group all the entries by their first letter,
# and place that letter in uppercase above each group.
index.heading = 'A'
# Set the table created by the INDEX field to span over 2 columns.
index.number_of_columns = '2'
# Set any entries with starting letters outside the "a-c" character range to be omitted.
index.letter_range = 'a-c'
self.assertEqual(' INDEX  \\z 1033 \\h A \\c 2 \\p a-c', index.get_field_code())
# These next two XE fields will show up under the "A" heading,
# with their respective text stylings also applied to their page numbers.
index_entry = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_INDEX_ENTRY, True).as_field_xe()
index_entry.text = 'Apple'
index_entry.is_italic = True
self.assertEqual(' XE  Apple \\i', index_entry.get_field_code())
index_entry = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_INDEX_ENTRY, True).as_field_xe()
index_entry.text = 'Apricot'
index_entry.is_bold = True
self.assertEqual(' XE  Apricot \\b', index_entry.get_field_code())
# Both the next two XE fields will be under a "B" and "C" heading in the INDEX fields table of contents.
index_entry = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_INDEX_ENTRY, True).as_field_xe()
index_entry.text = 'Banana'
index_entry = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_INDEX_ENTRY, True).as_field_xe()
index_entry.text = 'Cherry'
# INDEX fields sort all entries alphabetically, so this entry will show up under "A" with the other two.
index_entry = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_INDEX_ENTRY, True).as_field_xe()
index_entry.text = 'Avocado'
# This entry will not appear because it starts with the letter "D",
# which is outside the "a-c" character range that the INDEX field's LetterRange property defines.
index_entry = builder.insert_field(aw.fields.FieldType.FIELD_INDEX_ENTRY, True).as_field_xe()
index_entry.text = 'Durian'
doc.save(ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Field.field_index_formatting.docx')

See Also