DracoFormat class

DracoFormat class

Google Draco format

Inheritance: DracoFormatFileFormat

The DracoFormat type exposes the following members:


versionGets file format version
can_exportGets whether Aspose.3D supports export scene to current file format.
can_importGets whether Aspose.3D supports import scene from current file format.
extensionGets the extension name of this type.
extensionsGets the extension names of this type.
content_typeGets file format content type
file_format_typeGets file format type
FBX6100ASCIIASCII FBX file format, with 6.1.0 version
FBX6100_BINARYBinary FBX file format, with 6.1.0 version
FBX7200ASCIIASCII FBX file format, with 7.2.0 version
FBX7200_BINARYBinary FBX file format, with 7.2.0 version
FBX7300ASCIIASCII FBX file format, with 7.3.0 version
FBX7300_BINARYBinary FBX file format, with 7.3.0 version
FBX7400ASCIIASCII FBX file format, with 7.4.0 version
FBX7400_BINARYBinary FBX file format, with 7.4.0 version
FBX7500ASCIIASCII FBX file format, with 7.5.0 version
FBX7500_BINARYBinary FBX file format, with 7.5.0 version
FBX7600ASCIIASCII FBX file format, with 7.6.0 version
FBX7600_BINARYBinary FBX file format, with 7.6.0 version
FBX7700ASCIIASCII FBX file format, with 7.7.0 version
FBX7700_BINARYBinary FBX file format, with 7.7.0 version
MAYA_ASCIIAutodesk Maya in ASCII format
MAYA_BINARYAutodesk Maya in Binary format
STL_BINARYBinary STL file format
WAVEFRONT_OBJWavefront’s Obj file format
DISCREET_3DS3D Studio’s file format
COLLADACollada file format
UNIVERSAL_3DUniversal3D file format
GLTFKhronos Group’s glTF
GLTF2Khronos Group’s glTF version 2.0
GLTF_BINARYKhronos Group’s glTF in Binary format
GLTF2_BINARYKhronos Group’s glTF version 2.0
PDFAdobe’s Portable Document Format
BLENDERBlender’s 3D file format
PLYPolygon File Format or Stanford Triangle Format
X_BINARYDirectX X File in binary format
X_TEXTDirectX X File in binary format
DRACOGoogle Draco Mesh
MICROSOFT_3MFMicrosoft 3D Manufacturing Format
RVM_TEXTAVEVA Plant Design Management System Model in text format
RVM_BINARYAVEVA Plant Design Management System Model in binary format
ASE3D Studio Max’s ASCII Scene Exporter format.
IFCISO 16739-1 Industry Foundation Classes data model.
SIEMENS_JT8Siemens JT File Version 8
SIEMENS_JT9Siemens JT File Version 9
AMFAdditive manufacturing file format
VRMLThe Virtual Reality Modeling Language
ASPOSE_3D_WEBAspose.3D Web format.
ZIPZip archive that contains other 3d file format.
USDUniversal Scene Description
USDAUniversal Scene Description in ASCII format.
USDZCompressed Universal Scene Description
XYZXyz point cloud file
PCDPCL Point Cloud Data file in ASCII mode
PCD_BINARYPCL Point Cloud Data file in Binary mode


detect(, stream, file_name)Detect the file format from data stream, file name is optional for guessing types that has no magic header.
detect(, file_name)Detect the file format from file name, file must be readable so Aspose.3D can detect the file format through file header.
decode(self, file_name)Decode the point cloud or mesh from specified file name
decode(self, data)Decode the point cloud or mesh from memory data
encode(self, entity, stream, options)Encode the entity to specified stream
encode(self, entity, file_name, options)Encode the entity to specified file
encode(self, entity, options)Encode the entity to Draco raw data
get_format_by_extension(, extension_name)Gets the preferred file format from the file extension name
The extension name should starts with a dot(’.’).
create_load_options(self)Create a default load options for this file format
create_save_options(self)Create a default save options for this file format


The following code shows how to encode and decode a Mesh to/from byte array:

from aspose import pycore
from aspose.threed import FileFormat
from aspose.threed.entities import Mesh, Sphere

mesh = Sphere().to_mesh()
# encode mesh into Draco format
draco = FileFormat.DRACO.encode(mesh)
# decode mesh from Draco format
decodedMesh = pycore.cast(Mesh, FileFormat.DRACO.decode(draco))

See Also