]AsposeOcr class
Main API for Aspose OCR library
public class AsposeOcr
Name | Description |
AsposeOcr() | The default constructor. |
Name | Description |
CalculateSkew(OcrInput) | Calculates the skew angles of an images. Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives. |
CompareImageTexts(string, string, RecognitionSettings, bool) | Check if two images contain the same text. |
CorrectSpelling(string, SpellCheckLanguage, string) | Corrects text (replaces misspelled words). |
DetectDefects(OcrInput, DefectType) | Automatically find problematic areas of an image that can significantly impact the accuracy of OCR. Supports PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, and GIF images provided as a file, stream, or pixel array. Supports bulk recognition. |
DetectLanguages(OcrInput) | Analyzes the text on the image to determine the languages it is written in. This allows to select the most suitable recognition language and helps in further text processing tasks such as spellchecking or translation. |
DetectRectangles(OcrInput) | Detects text areas on images. Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives. |
DetectRectangles(OcrInput, AreasType, bool) | Detects text areas on images. Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives. |
ImageHasText(string, Regex, RecognitionSettings, bool) | Check if the image text matches the provided regular expression. |
ImageHasText(string, string, RecognitionSettings, bool, bool) | Check if the image contains the provided text fragment. |
ImageTextDiff(string, string, RecognitionSettings, bool, bool) | Compare the texts on the two images and return a number representing how similar they are (0 to 1). |
Recognize(OcrInput) | Recognizes text on images / documents. Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, directory, arrays, archives. |
Recognize(OcrInput, RecognitionSettings) | Recognizes text on images / documents. Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, directory, arrays, archives. |
Recognize(OcrInput, RecognitionSettings, CancellationToken) | Recognizes text on images / documents. Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, directory, arrays, archives. |
RecognizeCarPlate(OcrInput) | Recognizes text on car plate. |
RecognizeCarPlate(OcrInput, CarPlateRecognitionSettings) | Recognizes text on car plate. |
RecognizeCharacters(OcrInput) | Detects symbols on images. Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives. |
RecognizeCharacters(OcrInput, DetectAreasMode, Language) | Detects symbols on images. Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives. |
RecognizeFast(OcrInput) | Recognizes text on images / documents. Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, directory, arrays, archives. |
RecognizeHandwrittenText(OcrInput) | Recognizes handwritten text on images. |
RecognizeIDCard(OcrInput) | Recognizes text on ID card. |
RecognizeIDCard(OcrInput, IDCardRecognitionSettings) | Recognizes text on ID card. |
RecognizeInvoice(OcrInput) | Recognizes text on invoices. |
RecognizeInvoice(OcrInput, InvoiceRecognitionSettings) | Recognizes text on invoices. |
RecognizeLines(OcrInput) | Recognizes images that contain single line of text. Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives. |
RecognizeLines(OcrInput, RecognitionSettings) | Recognizes images that contain single line of text. Supports GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, JFIF, stream, folder, arrays, archives. |
RecognizePassport(OcrInput) | Recognizes text on passport. |
RecognizePassport(OcrInput, PassportRecognitionSettings) | Recognizes text on passport. |
RecognizeReceipt(OcrInput) | Recognizes text on receipts. |
RecognizeReceipt(OcrInput, ReceiptRecognitionSettings) | Recognizes text on receipts. |
static SaveMultipageDocument(MemoryStream, SaveFormat, List<RecognitionResult>, string, PdfOptimizationMode) | Allows to get multipage document from list of RecognitionResult objects |
static SaveMultipageDocument(string, SaveFormat, List<RecognitionResult>, string, PdfOptimizationMode) | Allows to get multipage document from list of RecognitionResult objects |
static SaveMultipageDocument(MemoryStream, SaveFormat, List<RecognitionResult>, bool, SpellCheckLanguage, string, string, PdfOptimizationMode) | Allows to get multipage document from list of RecognitionResult objects |
static SaveMultipageDocument(string, SaveFormat, List<RecognitionResult>, bool, SpellCheckLanguage, string, string, PdfOptimizationMode) | Allows to get multipage document from list of RecognitionResult objects |
See Also
- namespace Aspose.OCR
- assembly Aspose.OCR