void AddMetafileComment(const System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
SharedPtr<Drawing2D::GraphicsContainer> BeginContainer() | Saves a container with the current state of this object, opens and uses a new container and returns the saved container. |
SharedPtr<Drawing2D::GraphicsContainer> BeginContainer(Rectangle, Rectangle, GraphicsUnit) | Saves a container with the current state of this object, opens and uses a new container and returns the saved container. |
SharedPtr<Drawing2D::GraphicsContainer> BeginContainer(RectangleF, RectangleF, GraphicsUnit) | Saves a container with the current state of this object, opens and uses a new container and returns the saved container. |
void Clear(Color) | Clears the drawing surface represented by the current object and fills it with the specified color. |
void CopyFromScreen(Point, Point, Size, CopyPixelOperation) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void CopyFromScreen(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, Size, CopyPixelOperation) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void Dispose() | Releases all operating system resources acquired by the current object. |
void DrawArc(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) | Draws the specified arc using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawArc(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, float, float, float, float, float, float) | Draws the specified arc using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawArc(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, Rectangle, float, float) | Draws the specified arc using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawArc(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, RectangleF, float, float) | Draws the specified arc using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawBezier(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const Point&, const Point&, const Point&, const Point&) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawBezier(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const PointF&, const PointF&, const PointF&, const PointF&) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawBezier(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawBeziers(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&) | Draws a series of Bezier splines using the specified pen. |
void DrawBeziers(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&) | Draws a series of Bezier splines using the specified pen. |
void DrawClosedCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&, float, Drawing2D::FillMode) | Draws a closed spline using the specified pen. |
void DrawClosedCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, float, Drawing2D::FillMode) | Draws a closed spline using the specified pen. |
void DrawCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&, float) | Draws a spline using the specified pen. |
void DrawCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, float) | Draws a spline using the specified pen. |
void DrawCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&, int32_t, int32_t, float) | Draws a spline using the specified pen. |
void DrawCurve(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, int32_t, int32_t, float) | Draws a spline using the specified pen. |
void DrawEllipse(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, Rectangle) | Draws the specified ellipse using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawEllipse(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, RectangleF) | Draws the specified ellipse using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawEllipse(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, int, int, int, int) | Draws the specified ellipse using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawEllipse(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, float, float, float, float) | Draws the specified ellipse using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawIcon(const SharedPtr<Icon>&, Rectangle) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawIcon(const SharedPtr<Icon>&, int32_t, int32_t) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawIconUnstretched(const SharedPtr<Icon>&, Rectangle) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, const System::ArrayPtr<Point>&) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, const System::ArrayPtr<PointF>&, const RectangleF&, GraphicsUnit, const Imaging::ImageAttributesPtr&) | Draws the specified region of the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, const System::Details::ArrayView<PointF>&, const RectangleF&, GraphicsUnit, const Imaging::ImageAttributesPtr&) | Draws the specified region of the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, const System::Details::StackArray<PointF, N>&, const RectangleF&, GraphicsUnit, const Imaging::ImageAttributesPtr&) | Draws the specified region of the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, int, int) | Draws the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, float, float) | Draws the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, Point) | Draws the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, PointF) | Draws the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, int, int, int, int) | Draws the specified image to the specified rectangle. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, float, float, float, float) | Draws the specified image to the specified rectangle. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, RectangleF, RectangleF, GraphicsUnit) | Draws the specified region of the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, Rectangle, Rectangle, GraphicsUnit) | Draws the specified region of the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, int, int, Rectangle, GraphicsUnit) | Draws the specified region of the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, const Rectangle&) | Draws the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, const RectangleF&) | Draws the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, Rectangle, int, int, int, int, GraphicsUnit, const Imaging::ImageAttributesPtr&) | Draws the specified region of the specified image to the specified rectangle. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, Rectangle, float, float, float, float, GraphicsUnit, const Imaging::ImageAttributesPtr&) | Draws the specified region of the specified image to the specified rectangle. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, Rectangle, int, int, int, int, GraphicsUnit) | Draws the specified region of the specified image to the specified rectangle. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, Rectangle, float, float, float, float, GraphicsUnit) | Draws the specified region of the specified image to the specified rectangle. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, Rectangle, int, int, int, int, GraphicsUnit, const Imaging::ImageAttributesPtr&, Graphics::DrawImageAbort) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, Rectangle, float, float, float, float, GraphicsUnit, const Imaging::ImageAttributesPtr&, Graphics::DrawImageAbort) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, Rectangle, int, int, int, int, GraphicsUnit, const Imaging::ImageAttributesPtr&, Graphics::DrawImageAbort, IntPtr) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, Rectangle, float, float, float, float, GraphicsUnit, const Imaging::ImageAttributesPtr&, Graphics::DrawImageAbort, IntPtr) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, RectangleF, GraphicsUnit) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&, Rectangle, GraphicsUnit) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&, Rectangle, GraphicsUnit, const SharedPtr<Imaging::ImageAttributes>&) | Draws the specified region of the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&, float, float, RectangleF, GraphicsUnit) | Draws the specified region of the specified image at the specified location. |
void DrawImageUnscaled(const SharedPtr<Image>&, int, int) | Draws the specified image using its original physical size at the specified location. |
void DrawImageUnscaled(const SharedPtr<Image>&, int, int, int, int) | Draws a specified image using its original physical size at a specified location. |
void DrawImageUnscaled(const SharedPtr<Image>&, const Rectangle&) | Draws a specified image using its original physical size at a specified location. |
void DrawImageUnscaled(const SharedPtr<Image>&, const Point&) | Draws a specified image using its original physical size at a specified location. |
void DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(const SharedPtr<Image>&, Rectangle) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void DrawLine(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, Point, Point) | Draws the specified line using the specified pen. |
void DrawLine(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, PointF, PointF) | Draws the specified line using the specified pen. |
void DrawLine(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, int, int, int, int) | Draws the specified line using the specified pen. |
void DrawLine(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, float, float, float, float) | Draws the specified line using the specified pen. |
void DrawLines(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const System::ArrayPtr<System::Drawing::Point>&) | Draws a series of line segments using the specified pen. |
void DrawLines(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const System::ArrayPtr<System::Drawing::PointF>&) | Draws a series of line segments using the specified pen. |
void DrawPath(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const SharedPtr<Drawing2D::GraphicsPath>&) | Draws the specified path using the specified pen. |
void DrawPie(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) | Draws the specified pie using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawPie(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, float, float, float, float, float, float) | Draws the specified pie using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawPie(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, Rectangle, float, float) | Draws the specified pie using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawPie(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, RectangleF, float, float) | Draws the specified pie using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawPolygon(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&) | Draws a polygon using the specified pen. |
void DrawPolygon(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&) | Draws a polygon using the specified pen. |
void DrawRectangle(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, int, int, int, int) | Draws the specified rectangle using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawRectangle(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, float, float, float, float) | Draws the specified rectangle using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawRectangle(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, Rectangle) | Draws the specified rectangle using the specified pen on the surface represented by the current object. |
void DrawRectangles(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<Rectangle>&) | Draws a series of rectangles using the specified pen. |
void DrawRectangles(const SharedPtr<Pen>&, const ArrayPtr<RectangleF>&) | Draws a series of rectangles using the specified pen. |
void DrawString(const String&, const SharedPtr<Font>&, const SharedPtr<Brush>&, PointF, const System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::StringFormat>&) | Draws the specified string at the specified location using the specified font and brush. |
void DrawString(const String&, const SharedPtr<Font>&, const SharedPtr<Brush>&, RectangleF, const System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::StringFormat>&) | Draws the specified string in the specified rectangle using the specified font and brush. |
void DrawString(const String&, const SharedPtr<Font>&, const SharedPtr<Brush>&, float, float, const System::SharedPtr<System::Drawing::StringFormat>&) | Draws the specified string at the specified location using the specified font and brush. |
void EndContainer(const SharedPtr<Drawing2D::GraphicsContainer>&) | Closes the current container and restores the state of this object from the state of saved container. |
void EnumerateMetafile(const SharedPtr<Imaging::Metafile>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, Graphics::EnumerateMetafileProc) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void EnumerateMetafile(const SharedPtr<Imaging::Metafile>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&, Graphics::EnumerateMetafileProc) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void EnumerateMetafile(const SharedPtr<Imaging::Metafile>&, Point, Graphics::EnumerateMetafileProc) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void EnumerateMetafile(const SharedPtr<Imaging::Metafile>&, PointF, Graphics::EnumerateMetafileProc) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void EnumerateMetafile(const SharedPtr<Imaging::Metafile>&, Rectangle, Graphics::EnumerateMetafileProc) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void EnumerateMetafile(const SharedPtr<Imaging::Metafile>&, RectangleF, Graphics::EnumerateMetafileProc) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void EnumerateMetafile(const SharedPtr<Imaging::Metafile>&, Point, Rectangle, GraphicsUnit, Graphics::EnumerateMetafileProc) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void EnumerateMetafile(const SharedPtr<Imaging::Metafile>&, PointF, RectangleF, GraphicsUnit, Graphics::EnumerateMetafileProc) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void EnumerateMetafile(const SharedPtr<Imaging::Metafile>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&, Rectangle, GraphicsUnit, Graphics::EnumerateMetafileProc) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void EnumerateMetafile(const SharedPtr<Imaging::Metafile>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, RectangleF, GraphicsUnit, Graphics::EnumerateMetafileProc) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void EnumerateMetafile(const SharedPtr<Imaging::Metafile>&, Rectangle, Rectangle, GraphicsUnit, Graphics::EnumerateMetafileProc) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void EnumerateMetafile(const SharedPtr<Imaging::Metafile>&, RectangleF, RectangleF, GraphicsUnit, Graphics::EnumerateMetafileProc) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
virtual bool Equals(ptr) | Compares objects using C# Object.Equals semantics. |
static std::enable_if<IsSmartPtr<T1>::value&&IsSmartPtr<T2>::value, bool>::type Equals(T1 const&, T2 const&) | Compares reference type objects in C# style. |
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr<T1>::value&&!IsSmartPtr<T2>::value, bool>::type Equals(T1 const&, T2 const&) | Compares value type objects in C# style. |
static bool Equals(float const&, float const&) | Emulates C#-style floating point comparison where two NaNs are considered equal even though according to IEC 60559:1989 NaN is not equal to any value, including NaN. |
static bool Equals(double const&, double const&) | Emulates C#-style floating point comparison where two NaNs are considered equal even though according to IEC 60559:1989 NaN is not equal to any value, including NaN. |
void ExcludeClip(Rectangle) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void ExcludeClip(const SharedPtr<Region>&) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
virtual bool FastCast(const Details::FastRttiBase&, void **) const | For internal purposes only. |
void FillClosedCurve(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, Drawing2D::FillMode, float) | Draws a closed spline using the specified brush. |
void FillClosedCurve(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&, Drawing2D::FillMode, float) | Draws a closed spline using the specified brush. |
void FillEllipse(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, Rectangle) | Fills the interior of the ellipse specified by the bounding rectangle using the specified brush. |
void FillEllipse(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, RectangleF) | Fills the interior of the ellipse specified by the bounding rectangle using the specified brush. |
void FillEllipse(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, int, int, int, int) | Fills the interior of the ellipse specified by the bounding rectangle using the specified brush. |
void FillEllipse(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, float, float, float, float) | Fills the interior of the ellipse specified by the bounding rectangle using the specified brush. |
void FillPath(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, const SharedPtr<Drawing2D::GraphicsPath>&) | Fills the interiors of the specified path using the specified brush. |
void FillPie(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, int, int, int, int, int, int) | Fills the specified pie using the specified brush on the surface represented by the current object. |
void FillPie(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, float, float, float, float, float, float) | Fills the specified pie using the specified brush on the surface represented by the current object. |
void FillPie(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, Rectangle, float, float) | Fills the specified pie using the specified brush on the surface represented by the current object. |
void FillPolygon(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, const ArrayPtr<Point>&, Drawing2D::FillMode) | Fills the interiors of the specified polygon using the specified brush. |
void FillPolygon(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, const ArrayPtr<PointF>&, Drawing2D::FillMode) | Fills the interiors of the specified polygon using the specified brush. |
void FillRectangle(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, float, float, float, float) | Fills the specified rectangle with the specified brush. |
void FillRectangle(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, int, int, int, int) | Fills the specified rectangle with the specified brush. |
void FillRectangle(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, Rectangle) | Fills the specified rectangle with the specified brush. |
void FillRectangle(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, RectangleF) | Fills the specified rectangle with the specified brush. |
void FillRectangles(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, const ArrayPtr<Rectangle>&) | Fills a series of rectangles using the specified brush. |
void FillRectangles(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, const ArrayPtr<RectangleF>&) | Fills a series of rectangles using the specified brush. |
void FillRegion(const SharedPtr<Brush>&, const SharedPtr<Region>&) | Fills the interiors of the specified region using the specified brush. |
void Flush(Drawing2D::FlushIntention) | Triggers the immediate execution of all pending draw operations. |
static SharedPtr<Graphics> FromHwnd(IntPtr) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
static SharedPtr<Graphics> FromHwndInternal(IntPtr) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
static SharedPtr<Graphics> FromImage(const SharedPtr<Image>&) | Creates a new Graphics object from the specified image. |
SharedPtr<Region> get_Clip() | Returns a Region object that represents a region that limits the drawing area of the drawing surface represented by the current Graphics object. |
RectangleF get_ClipBounds() const | Returns a rectangle that bounds the clipping area of the surface represented by the current object. |
Drawing2D::CompositingMode get_CompositingMode() | Returns a value that indicates how composited images are drawn on the surface represented by the current object. |
Drawing2D::CompositingQuality get_CompositingQuality() | Returns a value that indicates the quality level used when compositing images. |
float get_DpiX() | Returns the horizontal resolution. |
float get_DpiY() | Returns the vertical resolution. |
Drawing2D::InterpolationMode get_InterpolationMode() | Returns a value that indicates the interpolation mode associated with the current object. |
bool get_IsClipEmpty() const | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
bool get_IsVisibleClipEmpty() const | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
float get_PageScale() const | Returns the scaling between world units and page units for the current Graphics object. |
GraphicsUnit get_PageUnit() const | Returns measurement units used for page coordinates on the surface represented by the current object. |
Drawing2D::PixelOffsetMode get_PixelOffsetMode() | Returns a value that indicates how the pixels are offset during rendering on the surface represented by the current object. |
Point get_RenderingOrigin() const | Returns a Point object that represents the rendering origin of the current Graphics object for dithering and for hatch brushes. |
Drawing2D::SmoothingMode get_SmoothingMode() | Returns a value that indicates a soothing mode used during rendering on the surface represented by the current object. |
int32_t get_TextContrast() const | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
Text::TextRenderingHint get_TextRenderingHint() | Returns a value that indicates the quality of text rendering. |
SharedPtr<Drawing2D::Matrix> get_Transform() | Returns the geometric world transformation for the current Graphics object. |
RectangleF get_VisibleClipBounds() const | Returns the RectangleF object that represents a bounding rectangle of the visible clipping region of the current Graphics object. |
Detail::SmartPtrCounter * GetCounter() | Gets reference counter data structure associated with the object. |
virtual int32_t GetHashCode() const | Analog of C# Object.GetHashCode() method. Enables hashing of custom objects. |
IntPtr GetHdc() | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
Color GetNearestColor(Color) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
SkCanvas * GetSkCanvas() const | |
virtual const TypeInfo& GetType() const | Gets actual type of object. Analog of C# System.Object.GetType() call. |
void IntersectClip(const System::SharedPtr<Region>&) | Updates the clip region of this object to the intersection of the current clip and the specified clip. |
void IntersectClip(System::Drawing::RectangleF) | Updates the clip region of this object to the intersection of the current clip and the specified clip. |
void IntersectClip(System::Drawing::Rectangle) | Updates the clip region of this object to the intersection of the current clip and the specified clip. |
virtual bool Is(const TypeInfo&) const | Check if object represents an instance of type described by targetType. Analog of C# ‘is’ operator. |
bool IsVisible(Point) | Determines whether the specified point is contained within the visible clip region of the current Graphics object. |
bool IsVisible(PointF) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
bool IsVisible(Rectangle) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
bool IsVisible(RectangleF) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
bool IsVisible(int32_t, int32_t) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
bool IsVisible(float, float) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
bool IsVisible(float, float, float, float) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
bool IsVisible(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void Lock() | Implements C# lock() statement locking. Call directly or use LockContext sentry object. |
ArrayPtr<SharedPtr<Region>> MeasureCharacterRanges(const System::String&, const SharedPtr<Font>&, RectangleF, const SharedPtr<StringFormat>&) | Returns an array of regions each of which bounds character positions in the specified string. |
SizeF MeasureString(String const&, System::SharedPtr<Font> const&, PointF const&, System::SharedPtr<StringFormat> const&) const | Returns a size of the specified string when drawn in the specified font in the specified format. |
SizeF MeasureString(String const&, System::SharedPtr<Font> const&, int, System::SharedPtr<StringFormat> const&) const | Returns a size of the specified string when drawn in the specified font in the specified format. |
SizeF MeasureString(String const&, System::SharedPtr<Font> const&, SizeF const&, System::SharedPtr<StringFormat> const&, int&, int&) const | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
SizeF MeasureString(String const&, System::SharedPtr<Font> const&, SizeF const&, System::SharedPtr<StringFormat> const&) const | Returns a size of the specified string when drawn in the specified font in the specified format. |
virtual ptr MemberwiseClone() const | Analog of C# Object.MemberwiseClone() method. Enables cloning custom types. |
void MultiplyTransform(const SharedPtr<Drawing2D::Matrix>&, Drawing2D::MatrixOrder) | Multiplies the world transformation matrix of the current Graphics object by the specified matrix. |
Object() | Creates object. Initializes all internal data structures. |
Object(Object const&) | Copy constructor. Doesn’t copy anything, really, just initializes new object and enables copy constructing subclasses. |
Object& operator=(Object const&) | Assignment operator. Doesn’t copy anything, really, just initializes new object and enables copy constructing subclasses. |
static bool ReferenceEquals(ptr const&, ptr const&) | Compares objects by reference. |
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr<T>::value, bool>::type ReferenceEquals(T const&, T const&) | Compares objects by reference. |
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr<T>::value, bool>::type ReferenceEquals(T const&, std::nullptr_t) | Reference-compares value type object with nullptr. |
bool ReferenceEquals(String const&, std::nullptr_t) | Specialization of Object::ReferenceEquals for case of string and nullptr. |
bool ReferenceEquals(String const&, String const&) | Specialization of Object::ReferenceEquals for case of strings. |
void ReleaseHdc() | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void ReleaseHdc(IntPtr) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
int RemovedSharedRefs(int) | Decreases shared reference count by specified value. |
void ResetClip() | Resets the clip region for this graphics to an infinite region. |
void ResetTransform() | Resets the world transformation matrix of the current object so that it becomes an identity matrix. |
void Restore(const SharedPtr<Drawing2D::GraphicsState>&) | Restores the state of this object from the saved state. |
void RotateTransform(float, Drawing2D::MatrixOrder) | Applies the specified rotation to the world transformation matrix of the current Graphics object in the specified order. |
SharedPtr<Drawing2D::GraphicsState> Save() | Saves the current state of this object and returns the saved state. |
void ScaleTransform(float, float, Drawing2D::MatrixOrder) | Applies the specified scale vector to the world transformation matrix of the current object. |
void set_Clip(const SharedPtr<Region>&) | Sets a region that limits the drawing area of the drawing surface represented by the current. |
void set_CompositingMode(Drawing2D::CompositingMode) | Sets a value that specifies how composited images are drawn on the surface represented by the current object. |
void set_CompositingQuality(Drawing2D::CompositingQuality) | Sets a value that specifies the quality level to use when compositing images. |
void set_InterpolationMode(Drawing2D::InterpolationMode) | Sets a value that indicates the interpolation mode associated with the current object. |
void set_PageScale(float) | Sets the scaling between world units and page units for the current Graphics object. |
void set_PageUnit(GraphicsUnit) | Sets measurement units used for page coordinates on the surface represented by the current object. |
void set_PixelOffsetMode(Drawing2D::PixelOffsetMode) | Sets a value that specifies how the pixels should be offset during rendering on the surface represented by the current object. |
void set_RenderingOrigin(Point) | Sets a Point object that specifies the rendering origin of the current Graphics object for dithering and for hatch brushes. |
void set_SmoothingMode(Drawing2D::SmoothingMode) | Sets a value that specifies a soothing mode used during rendering on the surface represented by the current object. |
void set_TextContrast(int32_t) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void set_TextRenderingHint(Text::TextRenderingHint) | Sets a value that specifies the quality of text rendering. |
void set_Transform(const SharedPtr<Drawing2D::Matrix>&) | Sets the geometric world transformation for the current Graphics object. |
void SetClip(const SharedPtr<Region>&, Drawing2D::CombineMode) | Sets the clipping region of drawing surface represented by the current Graphics object to the result of the specified operation that combines the current clip region and the specified region. |
void SetClip(Rectangle, Drawing2D::CombineMode) | Sets the clipping region of drawing surface represented by the current Graphics object to the result of the specified operation that combines the current clip region and the specified region. |
void SetClip(RectangleF, Drawing2D::CombineMode) | Sets the clipping region of drawing surface represented by the current Graphics object to the result of the specified operation that combines the current clip region and the specified region. |
void SetClip(const SharedPtr<Graphics>&, Drawing2D::CombineMode) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void SetClip(const SharedPtr<Drawing2D::GraphicsPath>&, Drawing2D::CombineMode) | Sets the clipping region of drawing surface represented by the current Graphics object to the result of the specified operation that combines the current clip region and the region specified by a graphics path. |
virtual void SetTemplateWeakPtr(uint32_t) | Set n’th template argument a weak pointer (rather than shared). Allows switching pointers in containers to weak mode. |
int SharedCount() const | Gets current value of shared reference counter. |
Object * SharedRefAdded() | Increments shared reference count. Shouldn’t be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector. |
int SharedRefRemovedSafe() | Decrements and returns shared reference count. Shouldn’t be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector. |
virtual String ToString() const | Analog of C# Object.ToString() method. Enables converting custom objects to string. |
void TransformPoints(Drawing2D::CoordinateSpace, Drawing2D::CoordinateSpace, const ArrayPtr<System::Drawing::Point>&) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void TransformPoints(Drawing2D::CoordinateSpace, Drawing2D::CoordinateSpace, const ArrayPtr<System::Drawing::PointF>&) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void TranslateClip(int, int) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void TranslateClip(float, float) | NOT IMPLEMENTED. |
void TranslateTransform(float, float, Drawing2D::MatrixOrder) | Applies the specified translation vector to the world transformation matrix of the current Graphics object. |
static const TypeInfo& Type() | Implements C# typeof(System.Object) construct. |
void Unlock() | Implements C# lock() statement unlocking. Call directly or use LockContext sentry object. |
Detail::SmartPtrCounter * WeakRefAdded() | Increments weak reference count. Shouldn’t be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector. |
void WeakRefRemoved() | Decrements weak reference count. Shouldn’t be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector. |
~Graphics() | |
virtual ~Object() | Destroys object. Frees all internal data structures. |