
SpecialFolder enum

Represents system special folders.

enum class SpecialFolder


Desktop0The logical Desktop.
Programs2The folder that contains the user’s program groups.
Personal5The folder that serves as a common repository for documents.
MyDocuments5The "My Documents" directory.
Favorites6The folder that serves as a common repository for the user’s favorite items.
Startup7The folder that corresponds to the user’s Startup program group.
Recent8The folder that contains the user’s most recently used documents.
SendTo9The folder that serves as a container for the Send To menu items.
StartMenu11The folder that serves as a container for the Start menu items.
MyMusic13The "My Music" directory.
DesktopDirectory16The folder that is used to physically store items on the desktop.
MyComputer17The "My Computer" directory.
Templates21The folder that serves as a common container for document templates.
ApplicationData26The folder that is used to store application-specific data for the current roaming user.
LocalApplicationData28The folder that is used to store application-specific data for the current non-roaming user.
InternetCache32The folder that is used as a storage for temporary Internet files.
Cookies33The folder that is used as a storage for Internet cookies.
History34The folder that is used as a storage for Internet history items.
CommonApplicationData35The folder that is used to store application-specific data that is used by all users.
System37The system folder.
ProgramFiles38The program files folder.
MyPictures39The "My picutres" folder.
UserProfile40The user’s profile folder.
CommonProgramFiles43The directory used as a storage for components that are shared by applications.

See Also