
ObjectType::GetType(const T&) method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for smart pointers.

template<typename T> static std::enable_if<IsSmartPtr<T>::value, constSystem::TypeInfo &>::type System::ObjectType::GetType(const T &obj)

Template parameters

TPointer object type.


objconst T&Object to get TypeInfo for.

Return Value

Const reference to TypeInfo structure describing the final class of object passed.

ObjectType::GetType(const T&) method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for structures.

template<typename T> static std::enable_if<!IsExceptionWrapper<T>::value &&!IsSmartPtr<T>::value &&!std::is_fundamental<T>::value &&!std::is_enum<T>::value &&!IsNullable<T>::value, constSystem::TypeInfo &>::type System::ObjectType::GetType(const T &obj)

Template parameters

TStructure type.


objconst T&Object to get TypeInfo for.

Return Value

Const reference to TypeInfo structure describing the final class of object passed.

ObjectType::GetType(const T&) method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for exceptions.

template<typename T> static std::enable_if<IsExceptionWrapper<T>::value, constSystem::TypeInfo &>::type System::ObjectType::GetType(const T &obj)

Template parameters

TException type.


objconst T&Object to get TypeInfo for.

Return Value

Const reference to TypeInfo structure describing the final class of object passed.

ObjectType::GetType(const T) method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for primitive types.

template<typename T> static std::enable_if<std::is_fundamental<T>::value||std::is_enum<T>::value, constSystem::TypeInfo &>::type System::ObjectType::GetType(const T obj)

Template parameters

TPrimitive type.


objconst TIGNORED

Return Value

Const reference to TypeInfo structure describing the type of object passed.

ObjectType::GetType(const T) method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for Nullable types.

template<typename T> static std::enable_if<IsNullable<T>::value, constSystem::TypeInfo &>::type System::ObjectType::GetType(const T obj)

Template parameters

TNullable type.


objconst TIGNORED

Return Value

Const reference to TypeInfo structure describing the type of object passed.

ObjectType::GetType() method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for primitive types.

template<typename T> static std::enable_if<std::is_fundamental<T>::value &&!std::is_enum<T>::value, constSystem::TypeInfo &>::type System::ObjectType::GetType()

Template parameters

TPrimitive type.

Return Value

Const reference to TypeInfo structure describing the type specified.

ObjectType::GetType() method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for enum types.

template<typename T> static std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value, constSystem::TypeInfo &>::type System::ObjectType::GetType()

Template parameters

TPrimitive type.

Return Value

Const reference to TypeInfo structure describing the type specified.

ObjectType::GetType() method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for structures and pointers.

template<typename T> static std::enable_if<(!std::is_fundamental<T>::value &&!std::is_enum<T>::value &&!IsBoxable<T>::value)||IsExceptionWrapper<T>::value, constSystem::TypeInfo &>::type System::ObjectType::GetType()

Template parameters

TPrimitive type.

Return Value

Const reference to TypeInfo structure describing the strcture specified.

ObjectType::GetType() method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for Nullable.

template<typename T> static std::enable_if<IsNullable<T>::value, constSystem::TypeInfo &>::type System::ObjectType::GetType()

Template parameters

TNullable type.

Return Value

Const reference to TypeInfo structure describing the strcture specified.

ObjectType::GetType() method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for MutlicastDelegate.

template<typename T> static std::enable_if<detail::is_a<T, MulticastDelegate>::value, constSystem::TypeInfo &>::type System::ObjectType::GetType()

Template parameters

TMutlicastDelegate type.

Return Value

Const reference to TypeInfo structure describing the strcture specified.

ObjectType::GetType() method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for structures and pointers.

template<typename T> static std::enable_if<!std::is_fundamental<T>::value &&!std::is_enum<T>::value &&IsBoxable<T>::value &&!detail::is_a<T, MulticastDelegate>::value &&!IsNullable<T>::value, constSystem::TypeInfo &>::type System::ObjectType::GetType()

Template parameters

TPrimitive type.

Return Value

Const reference to TypeInfo structure describing the strcture specified or pointee type if called for SmartPtr.

ObjectType::GetType(const String&) method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for string type.

static const System::TypeInfo & System::ObjectType::GetType(const String &obj)

Template parameters

TPrimitive type.

Return Value

Const reference to TypeInfo structure describing String type.

ObjectType::GetType() method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for uint8_t.

const System::TypeInfo & System::ObjectType::GetType()

ObjectType::GetType() method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for char16_t.

const System::TypeInfo & System::ObjectType::GetType()

ObjectType::GetType() method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for int32_t.

const System::TypeInfo & System::ObjectType::GetType()

ObjectType::GetType() method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for int64_t.

const System::TypeInfo & System::ObjectType::GetType()

ObjectType::GetType() method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for bool.

const System::TypeInfo & System::ObjectType::GetType()

ObjectType::GetType() method

Implements typeof() translation. Overload for Void.

const System::TypeInfo & System::ObjectType::GetType()

See Also