The Aspose.Svg.Rendering namespace consists of numerous renderer objects as well as appropriate low level options classes which are responsible to render documents/files into IDevice implementation.
Class | Description |
CssOptions | Represents css rendering options. |
Device | Represents a base class for implementing rendering devices that are used to draw graphics in various formats and environments. |
DeviceAdapter | Represents a device adapter that adapts the interface of the wrapped device. |
GlyphInfo | Contains glyph related information. |
GraphicContext | Holds current graphics control parameters. These parameters define the global framework within which the graphics operators execute. |
ICanvas | Represents a canvas for drawing 2D graphics. |
ICanvasContext | Represents the context of an HTML canvas 2D drawing. |
ICanvasFactory | Represents a factory for creating instances of the canvas. |
ICanvasPathFactory | Represents a factory for creating canvas paths. |
IDevice | Defines methods and properties that support custom rendering of the graphic elements like paths, text and images. |
IPath | Represents a path for defining shapes or outlines. |
ISVGDeviceContext | Represents a device context for SVG rendering. |
ISVGDeviceContextFactory | Represents a factory for creating SVG device contexts. |
ISVGElementRendererService | Represents a service for rendering SVG elements. |
ISVGRenderContext | Represents a rendering context for SVG rendering. |
ISVGRenderContextFactory | Represents a factory for creating SVG render contexts. |
PageSetup | Represents a page setup object is used for configuration output page-set. |
Renderer | Represents a base class for all renderers and implemnts IDisposable interface. |
RenderingOptions | Represents rendering options. |
SvgRenderer | Represents SVG document renderer. |
TextInfo | Contains information about rendered text. |
Enumeration | Description |
AtPagePriority | Specifies possible orders of applying page size declarations. |
ClipStrategy | Specifies the strategy for clipping an SVG element. This enum is used to determine how to apply clipping paths or masks to SVG elements during rendering. |
MediaType | Specifies possible media types used during rendering. |
SizingType | Represents the enumeration of page sizing types. |