ICanvasContext class

ICanvasContext class

Represents the context of an HTML canvas 2D drawing.

The ICanvasContext type exposes the following members:


shadow_offset_xGets or sets the horizontal offset of the shadow.
shadow_offset_yGets or sets the vertical offset of the shadow.
shadow_blurGets or sets the blur level of the shadow.
shadow_colorGets or sets the color of the shadow.
shadow_color_stringGets or sets the string representation of the shadow color.
text_alignGets or sets the alignment of text.
text_baselineGets or sets the baseline alignment of text.
global_alphaGets or sets the global alpha value.
image_smoothing_enabledGets or sets a value indicating whether image smoothing is enabled.
global_composite_operationGets or sets the global composite operation.
letter_spacingGets or sets the letter spacing.
font_valueGets or sets the font value.
character_spacingGets or sets the character spacing.
fill_brushGets or sets the fill brush. See IBrush.
fontGets or sets the font. See ITrueTypeFont.
font_sizeGets or sets the font size.
font_styleGets or sets the font style.
line_capGets or sets the line cap style. See StrokeLineCap.
line_dash_offsetGets or sets the line dash offset.
line_dash_patternGets or sets the line dash pattern.
line_joinGets or sets the line join style. See StrokeLineJoin.
line_widthGets or sets the line width.
miter_limitGets or sets the miter limit.
stroke_brushGets or sets the stroke brush. See IBrush.
text_infoGets the text information. See ICanvasContext.text_info.
transformation_matrixGets or sets the transformation matrix. See IMatrix.


transformApplies a transformation matrix to the context. See IMatrix.

See Also