Aspose::Cells::Rendering::ImageOrPrintOptions::SetEmfRenderSetting method

ImageOrPrintOptions::SetEmfRenderSetting method

Setting for rendering Emf metafile.

void Aspose::Cells::Rendering::ImageOrPrintOptions::SetEmfRenderSetting(EmfRenderSetting value)


EMF metafiles identified as “EMF+ Dual” can contain both EMF+ records and EMF records. Either type of record can be used to render the image, only EMF+ records, or only EMF records. When Aspose.Cells.EmfRenderSetting.EmfPlusPrefer is set, then EMF+ records will be parsed while rendering to image, otherwise only EMF records will be parsed. Default value is Aspose.Cells.EmfRenderSetting.EmfOnly. For the frameworks that depend on .Net System.Drawing.Common, this setting is ignored.

See Also