Aspose::Cells::Utility::JsonUtility::ImportData method

JsonUtility::ImportData(const U16String&, const Cells&, int32_t, int32_t, const JsonLayoutOptions&) method

Import the json string.

static Vector<int32_t> Aspose::Cells::Utility::JsonUtility::ImportData(const U16String &json, const Cells &cells, int32_t row, int32_t column, const JsonLayoutOptions &option)
jsonconst U16String&The json string.
cellsconst Cells&The Cells.
rowint32_tThe row index.
columnint32_tThe column index.
optionconst JsonLayoutOptions&The options of import json string.


See Also

JsonUtility::ImportData(const char16_t*, const Cells&, int32_t, int32_t, const JsonLayoutOptions&) method

Import the json string.

static Vector<int32_t> Aspose::Cells::Utility::JsonUtility::ImportData(const char16_t *json, const Cells &cells, int32_t row, int32_t column, const JsonLayoutOptions &option)
jsonconst char16_t*The json string.
cellsconst Cells&The Cells.
rowint32_tThe row index.
columnint32_tThe column index.
optionconst JsonLayoutOptions&The options of import json string.


See Also