Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.cells.ChartFrame
public class ChartArea extends ChartFrame
Encapsulates the object that represents the chart area in the worksheet.
//Instantiating a Workbook object
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
//Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
//Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
//Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
//Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
//Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
//Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
//Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
//Adding a chart to the worksheet
int chartIndex = worksheet.getCharts().add(ChartType.COLUMN, 5, 0, 15, 5);
//Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
Chart chart = worksheet.getCharts().get(chartIndex);
//Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
chart.getNSeries().add("A1:B3", true);
//Getting Chart Area
ChartArea chartArea = chart.getChartArea();
//Setting the foreground color of the chart area
//Setting Chart Area Shadow
//Saving the Excel file"book1.xls");
Method | Description |
equals(Object arg0) | |
getArea() | Gets the Area. |
getAutoScaleFont() | True if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes. |
getBackground() | Gets the display mode of the background |
getBackgroundMode() | Gets the display mode of the background |
getBorder() | Gets the Line. |
getChart() | Gets the chart to which this object belongs. |
getClass() | |
getDefaultHeight() | Represents height of default position in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. |
getDefaultHeightRatioToChart() | Represents height of default position in units of Fraction of the chart area. |
getDefaultWidth() | Represents width of default position in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. |
getDefaultWidthRatioToChart() | Represents width of default position in units of Fraction of the chart area. |
getDefaultX() | Represents x of default position in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. |
getDefaultXRatioToChart() | Represents x of default position in units of Fraction of the chart area. |
getDefaultY() | Represents y of default position in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. |
getDefaultYRatioToChart() | Represents y of default position in units of Fraction of the chart area. |
getFont() | Gets a getFont() object of the specified chartarea object. |
getHeight() | Gets the vertical offset from its lower right corner row, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. |
getHeightPixel() | Gets the height of frame in units of Pixel. |
getHeightRatioToChart() | Gets the vertical offset from its lower right corner row, in units of ratio of the chart area. |
getShadow() | True if the frame has a shadow. |
getShapeProperties() | Gets the getShapeProperties() object. |
getTextFont() | Gets a ChartArea.getFont() object of the specified ChartFrame object. |
getTextOptions() | Gets the options of the text. |
getWidth() | Gets the horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. |
getWidthPixel() | Gets the width of frame in units of Pixel. |
getWidthRatioToChart() | Gets the horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in units of ratio of the chart area. |
getX() | Gets or gets the horizontal offset from its upper left corner column, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. |
getXPixel() | Gets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of Pixel. |
getXRatioToChart() | Gets or gets the horizontal offset from its upper left corner column, in units of ratio of the chart area. |
getY() | Gets or gets the vertical offset from its upper left corner row, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. |
getYPixel() | Gets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of Pixel. |
getYRatioToChart() | Gets or gets the vertical offset from its upper left corner row, in units of ratio of the chart area. |
hashCode() | |
isAutomaticSize() | Indicates whether the chart frame is automatic sized. |
isDefaultPosBeSet() | Indicates whether default position(DefaultX, DefaultY, DefaultWidth and DefaultHeight) are set. |
isInnerMode() | Indicates whether the size of the plot area size includes the tick marks, and the axis labels. |
notify() | |
notifyAll() | |
setAutoScaleFont(boolean value) | True if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes. |
setAutomaticSize(boolean value) | Indicates whether the chart frame is automatic sized. |
setBackground(int value) | Sets the display mode of the background |
setBackgroundMode(int value) | Sets the display mode of the background |
setHeight(int value) | Sets the vertical offset from its lower right corner row, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. |
setHeightPixel(int value) | Sets the height of frame in units of Pixel. |
setHeightRatioToChart(double value) | Sets the vertical offset from its lower right corner row, in units of ratio of the chart area. |
setInnerMode(boolean value) | Indicates whether the size of the plot area size includes the tick marks, and the axis labels. |
setPositionAuto() | Set position of the frame to automatic |
setShadow(boolean value) | True if the frame has a shadow. |
setWidth(int value) | Sets the horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. |
setWidthPixel(int value) | Sets the width of frame in units of Pixel. |
setWidthRatioToChart(double value) | Sets the horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in units of ratio of the chart area. |
setX(int value) | Gets or gets the horizontal offset from its upper left corner column, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. |
setXPixel(int value) | Sets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of Pixel. |
setXRatioToChart(double value) | Gets or gets the horizontal offset from its upper left corner column, in units of ratio of the chart area. |
setY(int value) | Gets or gets the vertical offset from its upper left corner row, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. |
setYPixel(int value) | Sets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of Pixel. |
setYRatioToChart(double value) | Gets or gets the vertical offset from its upper left corner row, in units of ratio of the chart area. |
toString() | |
wait() | |
wait(long arg0) | |
wait(long arg0, int arg1) |
equals(Object arg0)
public boolean equals(Object arg0)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | java.lang.Object |
Returns: boolean
public Area getArea()
Gets the Area.
Returns: Area
public boolean getAutoScaleFont()
True if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes. The default value is True.
Returns: boolean
public int getBackground()
Gets the display mode of the background
See BackgroundMode.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead, please use ChartFrame.BackgroundMode property. This property will be removed 12 months later since JANUARY 2012. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Returns: int
public int getBackgroundMode()
Gets the display mode of the background
See BackgroundMode.
Returns: int
public Line getBorder()
Gets the Line.
Returns: Line
public Chart getChart()
Gets the chart to which this object belongs.
Returns: Chart
public final native Class<?> getClass()
Returns: java.lang.Class
public int getDefaultHeight()
Represents height of default position in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Please use ChartFrame.DefaultHeightRatioToChart property, instead. DefaultHeight = (int)(DefaultHeightRatioToChart * 4000); This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2025. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Returns: int
public double getDefaultHeightRatioToChart()
Represents height of default position in units of Fraction of the chart area.
Returns: double
public int getDefaultWidth()
Represents width of default position in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Please use ChartFrame.DefaultWidthRatioToChart property, instead. DefaultWidth = (int)(DefaultWidthRatioToChart * 4000); This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2025. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Returns: int
public double getDefaultWidthRatioToChart()
Represents width of default position in units of Fraction of the chart area.
Returns: double
public int getDefaultX()
Represents x of default position in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Please use ChartFrame.DefaultXRatioToChart property, instead. DefaultX = (int)(DefaultXRatioToChart * 4000); This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2025. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Returns: int
public double getDefaultXRatioToChart()
Represents x of default position in units of Fraction of the chart area.
Returns: double
public int getDefaultY()
Represents y of default position in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Please use ChartFrame.DefaultYRatioToChart property, instead. DefaultY = (int)(DefaultYRatioToChart * 4000); This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2025. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Returns: int
public double getDefaultYRatioToChart()
Represents y of default position in units of Fraction of the chart area.
Returns: double
public Font getFont()
Gets a getFont() object of the specified chartarea object.
Returns: Font
public int getHeight()
Gets the vertical offset from its lower right corner row, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Please use ChartArea.HeightRatioToChart property, instead. Height = HeightRatioToChart * 4000. This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2025. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Returns: int
public int getHeightPixel()
Gets the height of frame in units of Pixel.
Returns: int
public double getHeightRatioToChart()
Gets the vertical offset from its lower right corner row, in units of ratio of the chart area.
Returns: double
public boolean getShadow()
True if the frame has a shadow.
Returns: boolean
public ShapePropertyCollection getShapeProperties()
Gets the getShapeProperties() object.
Returns: ShapePropertyCollection
public Font getTextFont()
Gets a ChartArea.getFont() object of the specified ChartFrame object.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead, please use ChartFrame.Font property. This property will be removed 12 months later since JANUARY 2012. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Returns: Font
public TextOptions getTextOptions()
Gets the options of the text.
Returns: TextOptions
public int getWidth()
Gets the horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Please use ChartArea.WidthRatioToChart property, instead. Width = WidthRatioToChart * 4000. This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2025. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Returns: int
public int getWidthPixel()
Gets the width of frame in units of Pixel.
Returns: int
public double getWidthRatioToChart()
Gets the horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in units of ratio of the chart area.
Returns: double
public int getX()
Gets or gets the horizontal offset from its upper left corner column, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Please use ChartArea.XRatioToChart property, instead. X = XRatioToChart * 4000. This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2025. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Returns: int
public int getXPixel()
Gets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of Pixel.
Returns: int
public double getXRatioToChart()
Gets or gets the horizontal offset from its upper left corner column, in units of ratio of the chart area.
Returns: double
public int getY()
Gets or gets the vertical offset from its upper left corner row, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Please use ChartArea.YRatioToChart property, instead. Y = YRatioToChart * 4000; This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2025. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Returns: int
public int getYPixel()
Gets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of Pixel.
Returns: int
public double getYRatioToChart()
Gets or gets the vertical offset from its upper left corner row, in units of ratio of the chart area.
Returns: double
public native int hashCode()
Returns: int
public boolean isAutomaticSize()
Indicates whether the chart frame is automatic sized.
Returns: boolean
public boolean isDefaultPosBeSet()
Indicates whether default position(DefaultX, DefaultY, DefaultWidth and DefaultHeight) are set.
Returns: boolean
public boolean isInnerMode()
Indicates whether the size of the plot area size includes the tick marks, and the axis labels. False specifies that the size shall determine the size of the plot area, the tick marks, and the axis labels.
Only for Xlsx file.
Returns: boolean
public final native void notify()
public final native void notifyAll()
setAutoScaleFont(boolean value)
public void setAutoScaleFont(boolean value)
True if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes. The default value is True.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean |
setAutomaticSize(boolean value)
public void setAutomaticSize(boolean value)
Indicates whether the chart frame is automatic sized.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean |
setBackground(int value)
public void setBackground(int value)
Sets the display mode of the background
See BackgroundMode.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead, please use ChartFrame.BackgroundMode property. This property will be removed 12 months later since JANUARY 2012. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setBackgroundMode(int value)
public void setBackgroundMode(int value)
Sets the display mode of the background
See BackgroundMode.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setHeight(int value)
public void setHeight(int value)
Sets the vertical offset from its lower right corner row, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Please use ChartArea.HeightRatioToChart property, instead. Height = HeightRatioToChart * 4000. This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2025. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setHeightPixel(int value)
public void setHeightPixel(int value)
Sets the height of frame in units of Pixel.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setHeightRatioToChart(double value)
public void setHeightRatioToChart(double value)
Sets the vertical offset from its lower right corner row, in units of ratio of the chart area.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
setInnerMode(boolean value)
public void setInnerMode(boolean value)
Indicates whether the size of the plot area size includes the tick marks, and the axis labels. False specifies that the size shall determine the size of the plot area, the tick marks, and the axis labels.
Only for Xlsx file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean |
public void setPositionAuto()
Set position of the frame to automatic
setShadow(boolean value)
public void setShadow(boolean value)
True if the frame has a shadow.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean |
setWidth(int value)
public void setWidth(int value)
Sets the horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Please use ChartArea.WidthRatioToChart property, instead. Width = WidthRatioToChart * 4000. This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2025. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setWidthPixel(int value)
public void setWidthPixel(int value)
Sets the width of frame in units of Pixel.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setWidthRatioToChart(double value)
public void setWidthRatioToChart(double value)
Sets the horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in units of ratio of the chart area.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
setX(int value)
public void setX(int value)
Gets or gets the horizontal offset from its upper left corner column, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Please use ChartArea.XRatioToChart property, instead. X = XRatioToChart * 4000. This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2025. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setXPixel(int value)
public void setXPixel(int value)
Sets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of Pixel.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setXRatioToChart(double value)
public void setXRatioToChart(double value)
Gets or gets the horizontal offset from its upper left corner column, in units of ratio of the chart area.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
setY(int value)
public void setY(int value)
Gets or gets the vertical offset from its upper left corner row, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Please use ChartArea.YRatioToChart property, instead. Y = YRatioToChart * 4000; This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2025. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setYPixel(int value)
public void setYPixel(int value)
Sets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of Pixel.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setYRatioToChart(double value)
public void setYRatioToChart(double value)
Gets or gets the vertical offset from its upper left corner row, in units of ratio of the chart area.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double |
public String toString()
Returns: java.lang.String
public final void wait()
wait(long arg0)
public final native void wait(long arg0)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | long |
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | long | |
arg1 | int |