
PlotArea.Width property

Gets or sets the width of plot-area bounding box in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.

[Obsolete("Use PlotArea.WidthRatioToChart property, instead.")]
public override int Width { get; set; }


The plot-area bounding box includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks. If the value is not created by MS Excel, please call Chart.Calculate() method before calling this method.

The X, Y, Width and Height of PlotArea represents the plot-area bounding box that includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks. If you want to get actual size of plot area, you should call InnerXRatioToChart, InnerYRatioToChart, InnerWidthRatioToChart and InnerHeightRatioToChart properties.

For excel 2007 or latter, the default value is zero. you should call get the value after calling Chart.Calculate().

NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Please use PlotArea.WidthRatioToChart property, instead. Width = WidthRatioToChart * 4000. This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2025. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.

See Also