Investment401kBalance class

Investment401kBalance class

The class contains an optional cash balance. It also contains the balances of the standard 401(k) sub-accounts.

The Investment401kBalance type exposes the following members:


Investment401kBalance()Initializes a new instance of Investment401kBalance class.


cash_balanceGets or sets the cash balance available for the 401(k) account.
pre_taxGets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with Before Tax Employee contributions
after_taxGets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with After Tax Employee contributions.
matchGets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with Employer Match contributions.
profit_sharingGets or sets the Current value of all securities purchased with Employer Profit Sharing contributions
rolloverGets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with Rollover contributions.
other_vestGets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with Other (vesting) Employer contributions.
other_nonvestGets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with Other (non-vesting) Employer contributions.
totalGets or sets the current value of all securities purchased with all contributions.
balance_listGets or sets the collection of Balance.

See Also