XbrlInstance class

XbrlInstance class

XBRL instance is XML fragment with root element having a xbrl tag. XBRL instance contains business report facts, with each fact corresponding to a Concept defined in their supporting DTS. XBRL instance also contains contexts and units that provide additional information needed to interpret the facts in the instance.

The XbrlInstance type exposes the following members:


contextsGets or sets the collection of Context objects in the XBRL instance.
factsGets the collection of Fact objects in the XBRL instance.
itemsGets the collection of Item objects in the XBRL instance.
unitsGets or sets the collection of Unit objects in the XBRL instance.
footnote_linksGets or sets the collection of FootnoteLink objects in the XBRL instance.
role_referencesGets or sets the collection of RoleReference objects in the XBRL instance.
arcrole_referencesGets or sets the collection of ArcroleReference objects in the XBRL instance.
linkbase_ref_collectionGets the XbrlInstance.linkbase_ref_collection in the XbrlInstance.
linkbase_refsGets the collection of LinkbaseRef object in the XBRL instance.
schema_refsGets the SchemaRef collection.
schema_locationGets or sets the schema location
validation_errorsGets the collection of validation error.
xbrl_documentGet the XbrlInstance.xbrl_document which contains this instance.


get_presentation_links(role_uri, arcrole_uri)Gets the presentation links in the xbrl instance.
get_concept_by_id(concept_id)Gets the concept which has the specified id.
get_concept_by_name(concept_name)Gets the concept which has the specified name.
get_concept_by_uri_and_name(concept_uri, concept_name)Gets the concept which has the specified uri and name.
get_concept_by_loc(loc)Gets the concept by the locator.
get_role_type_by_uri(role_type_uri)Gets the RoleType which has the specified uri.
get_arcrole_type_by_uri(arcrole_type_uri)Gets the ArcroleType which has the specified uri.
get_context_by_id(id)Gets the context which has the specified id.
get_unit_by_id(id)Gets the unit which has the specified id.
create_element(namespace_uri, name, prefix)Create a new element.
validate()Validates this XBRL instance.
is_valid()Checks whether this XBRL instance is valid.
get_all_linkbase_ref_collections()Get all linkbase reference collections in xbrl instance and schema references.

See Also