Interface IRasterValues

IRasterValues interface

Provides access to the values of raster bands.

public interface IRasterValues


Item { get; }Gets the band value as a double type.


AsBoolean(int)Converts the specified band data to a bool value.
AsByte(int)Converts the specified band data to a byte value.
AsDouble(int)Converts the specified band data to a double value.
AsFloat(int)Converts the specified band data to a float value.
AsInteger(int)Converts the specified band data to a int value.
AsLong(int)Converts the specified band data to a long value.
AsRawBits()Get raw bits of all bands values.
AsShort(int)Converts the specified band data to a short value.
EqualsNoData(int)Checks if the value represents background or ’no data’ in the specified band.
GetDataType(int)Gets type of values.
IsNull(int)Checks if the raster value is set in the specified band.

See Also