DeviceTGraphicContextTRenderingOptions Class

Device<TGraphicContext,TRenderingOptions> class

Represents base class for implementation particular rendering devices.

public abstract class Device<TGraphicContext, TRenderingOptions> : Device, IDevice
    where TGraphicContext : GraphicContext, new()
    where TRenderingOptions : RenderingOptions
TGraphicContextGraphic context that holds current graphics control parameters
TRenderingOptionsRendering options


GraphicContext { get; }Gets the graphic context
Options { get; }Gets rendering options.
virtual Configuration { get; }Gets device configuration.
OutputStream { get; }Sets and gets the output stream.
StreamProvider { get; }Gets the stream provider object.


virtual AddRect(RectangleF)Appends a rectangle to the current path as a complete subpath.
virtual BeginDocument(Document)Begins rendering of the document.
virtual BeginElement(Element, RectangleF)Begins rendering of the node.
virtual BeginPage(SizeF)Begins rendering of the new page.
virtual Clip(FillRule)Modifies the current clipping path by intersecting it with the current path, using the FillRule to determine the region to fill. This method terminates current path.
virtual ClosePath()Closes the current subpath by appending a straight line segment from the current point to the starting point of the subpath. If the current subpath is already closed, “ClosePath” does nothing. This operator terminates the current subpath. Appending another segment to the current path begins a new subpath, even if the new segment begins at the endpoint reached by the “ClosePath” method.
virtual CubicBezierTo(PointF, PointF, PointF)Appends a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve extends from the current point to the point pt2, using pt1 and pt2 as the Bézier control points. The new current point is pt3.
Dispose()Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
virtual DrawImage(byte[], WebImageFormat, RectangleF)Draws the specified image.
virtual EndDocument()Ends rendering of the document.
virtual EndElement(Element)Ends rendering of the node.
virtual EndPage()Ends rendering of the current page.
virtual Fill(FillRule)Fills the entire region enclosed by the current path. If the path consists of several disconnected subpaths, it fills the insides of all subpaths, considered together. This method terminates current path.
virtual FillText(string, PointF)Fills the specified text string at the specified location.
virtual Flush()Flushes all data to output stream.
virtual LineTo(PointF)Appends a straight line segment from the current point to the point (pt). The new current point is pt.
virtual MoveTo(PointF)Begins a new subpath by moving the current point to coordinates of the parameter pt, omitting any connecting line segment. If the previous path construction method in the current path was also “MoveTo”, the new “MoveTo” overrides it; no vestige of the previous “MoveTo” operation remains in the path.
virtual RestoreGraphicContext()Restores the entire graphics context to its former value by popping it from the stack.
virtual SaveGraphicContext()Pushes a copy of the entire graphics context onto the stack.
virtual Stroke()Strokes a line along the current path. The stroked line follows each straight or curved segment in the path, centered on the segment with sides parallel to it. Each of the path’s subpaths is treated separately. This method terminates current path.
virtual StrokeAndFill(FillRule)Strokes and fill current path. This method terminates current path.
virtual StrokeText(string, PointF)Strokes the specified text string at the specified location.

Other Members

class DeviceConfiguration<TGraphicContext,TRenderingOptions>
enum PageWritingStrategy<TGraphicContext,TRenderingOptions>Specifies types of strategies for writing pages into output stream\streams.

See Also