PageSetup Class

PageSetup class

Represents a page setup object is used for configuration output page-set.

public class PageSetup


AdjustToWidestPage { get; set; }Gets or sets flag that determines case when page size will be adjusted to widest page in document. This options is time-consuming so time of document processing can be increased in two times. Adjustment will take place only if widest page in document is wider than page size determined in PageSetup. Adjusted page size will be used for all pages in document.
AnyPage { get; set; }Gets or sets all pages configuration in the the page-sequence.
AtPagePriority { get; set; }Gets or sets AtPagePriority which will determine order of applying page size declarations. By default options will override css @page rules .
FirstPage { get; set; }Gets or sets the first page configuration.
LeftPage { get; }Gets the Odd Page configuration.
PageLayoutOptions { get; set; }Gets or sets the PageLayoutOptions. Default value is None, any other value will override the AdjustToWidestPage behaviour. Works only with HTML documents.
RightPage { get; }Gets the Even Page configuration.


SetLeftRightPage(PagePage)Sets the Left/Right page configuration.

See Also