Interface ITextPortion

ITextPortion interface

Interface to manipulate text portions

public interface ITextPortion


Paragraph { get; }Sets the style.
Style { get; }Gets the style.
Text { get; set; }Gets or sets the text.


The following example demonstrates that the Text Alignment through ITextPortion for right-to-left languages works correctly.


string sourceFilePath = "bidi.psd";
string exportFilePath = "bidiOutput.psd";

using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
    TextLayer layer = (TextLayer)image.Layers[2];
    ITextPortion[] portions = layer.TextData.Items;

    portions[0].Paragraph.Justification = JustificationMode.Center;


The following example demonstrates how you can render different styles in one text layer in Aspose.PSD


string sourceFile = "text212.psd";
string etalonFile = "Ethalon_text212.psd";
string outputFile = "Output_text212.psd";

using (var img = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile))
    TextLayer textLayer = (TextLayer)img.Layers[1];
    IText textData = textLayer.TextData;
    ITextStyle defaultStyle = textData.ProducePortion().Style;
    ITextParagraph defaultParagraph = textData.ProducePortion().Paragraph;
    defaultStyle.FillColor = Color.DimGray;
    defaultStyle.FontSize = 51;

    textData.Items[1].Style.Strikethrough = true;

    ITextPortion[] newPortions = textData.ProducePortions(
        new string[]
          "E=mc", "2\r", "Bold", "Italic\r",

    newPortions[0].Style.Underline = true; // edit text style "E=mc"
    newPortions[1].Style.FontBaseline = FontBaseline.Superscript; // edit text style "2\r"
    newPortions[2].Style.FauxBold = true; // edit text style "Bold"
    newPortions[3].Style.FauxItalic = true; // edit text style "Italic\r"
    newPortions[3].Style.BaselineShift = -25; // edit text style "Italic\r"
    newPortions[4].Style.FontCaps = FontCaps.SmallCaps; // edit text style "Lowercasetext"

    foreach (var newPortion in newPortions)


The following code demonstrates how to get font size for any text portion in the text layer.


// Extracted wrong Font size 
string filePath = "直播+电商.psd";

var tolerance = 0.001;
using (var image = Image.Load(filePath))
    int layerIndex = 22;

    // Old API (Using the first paragraph font)
    PsdImage psdImage = image as PsdImage;
    double[] matrix = ((TextLayer)psdImage.Layers[layerIndex]).TransformMatrix;
    double baseFontSize = ((TextLayer)psdImage.Layers[layerIndex]).Font.Size;
    double fontSize = matrix[0] * baseFontSize;

    // Checking the base font size
    if (Math.Abs(100.0 - baseFontSize) > tolerance)
        throw new Exception("Font size was read incorrect");

    // Checking real font size
    if (Math.Abs(88.425 - fontSize) > tolerance)
        throw new Exception("TransformMatrix was read incorrect");

    // New API (One text layer may contain any quantity of font sizes)
    ITextPortion[] portions = ((TextLayer)psdImage.Layers[layerIndex]).TextData.Items;
    ITextStyle style = portions[0].Style;
    double fontSizeOfPortion = matrix[0] * style.FontSize;

    // Checking the base portion font size
    if (Math.Abs(100.0 - style.FontSize) > tolerance)
        throw new Exception("Font size was read incorrect");

    // Checking real portion font size
    if (Math.Abs(88.425 - fontSizeOfPortion) > tolerance)
        throw new Exception("TransformMatrix was read incorrect");

The following code example demonstrates the editing text portions and their text style.


const double Tolerance = 0.0001;
var filePath = "ThreeColorsParagraphs.psd";
var outputPath = "ThreeColorsParagraph_out.psd";
using (var im = (PsdImage)Image.Load(filePath))
    for (int i = 0; i < im.Layers.Length; i++)
        var layer = im.Layers[i] as TextLayer;

        if (layer != null)
            var portions = layer.TextData.Items;

            if (portions.Length != 4)
                throw new Exception();

            // Checking text of every portion
            if (portions[0].Text != "Old " ||
                portions[1].Text != "color" ||
                portions[2].Text != " text\r" ||
                portions[3].Text != "Second paragraph\r")
                throw new Exception();

            // Checking paragraphs data
            // Paragraphs have different justification
            if (
                (int)portions[0].Paragraph.Justification != 0 ||
                (int)portions[1].Paragraph.Justification != 0 ||
                (int)portions[2].Paragraph.Justification != 0 ||
                (int)portions[3].Paragraph.Justification != 2)
                throw new Exception();

            // All other properties of first and second paragraph are equal
            for (int j = 0; j < portions.Length; j++)
                var paragraph = portions[j].Paragraph;

                if (Math.Abs(paragraph.AutoLeading - 1.2) > Tolerance ||
                    paragraph.AutoHyphenate != false ||
                    paragraph.Burasagari != false ||
                    paragraph.ConsecutiveHyphens != 8 ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.StartIndent) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.EndIndent) > Tolerance ||
                    paragraph.EveryLineComposer != false ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.FirstLineIndent) > Tolerance ||
                    paragraph.GlyphSpacing.Length != 3 ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.GlyphSpacing[0] - 1) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.GlyphSpacing[1] - 1) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.GlyphSpacing[2] - 1) > Tolerance ||
                    paragraph.Hanging != false ||
                    paragraph.HyphenatedWordSize != 6 ||
                    paragraph.KinsokuOrder != 0 ||
                    paragraph.LetterSpacing.Length != 3 ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.LetterSpacing[0]) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.LetterSpacing[1]) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.LetterSpacing[2]) > Tolerance ||
                    paragraph.LeadingType != LeadingType.BottomToBottom ||
                    paragraph.PreHyphen != 2 ||
                    paragraph.PostHyphen != 2 ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.SpaceBefore) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.SpaceAfter) > Tolerance ||
                    paragraph.WordSpacing.Length != 3 ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.WordSpacing[0] - 0.8) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.WordSpacing[1] - 1.0) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.WordSpacing[2] - 1.33) > Tolerance ||
                    Math.Abs(paragraph.Zone - 36.0) > Tolerance)
                    throw new Exception();

            // Checking style data
            // Styles have different colors and font size
            if (Math.Abs(portions[0].Style.FontSize - 12) > Tolerance ||
                Math.Abs(portions[1].Style.FontSize - 12) > Tolerance ||
                Math.Abs(portions[2].Style.FontSize - 12) > Tolerance ||
                Math.Abs(portions[3].Style.FontSize - 10) > Tolerance)
                throw new Exception();

            if (portions[0].Style.FillColor != Color.FromArgb(255, 145, 0, 0) ||
                portions[1].Style.FillColor != Color.FromArgb(255, 201, 128, 2) ||
                portions[2].Style.FillColor != Color.FromArgb(255, 18, 143, 4) ||
                portions[3].Style.FillColor != Color.FromArgb(255, 145, 42, 100))
                throw new Exception();

            for (int j = 0; j < portions.Length; j++)
                var style = portions[j].Style;

                if (style.AutoLeading != true ||
                    style.HindiNumbers != false ||
                    style.Kerning != 0 ||
                    style.Leading != 0 ||
                    style.StrokeColor != Color.FromArgb(255, 175, 90, 163) ||
                    style.Tracking != 50)
                    throw new Exception();

            // Example of text editing
            portions[0].Text = "Hello ";
            portions[1].Text = "World";

            // Example of text portions removing

            // Example of adding new text portion
            var createdPortion = layer.TextData.ProducePortion();
            createdPortion.Text = "!!!\r";

            portions = layer.TextData.Items;

            // Example of paragraph and style editing for portions
            // Set right justification
            portions[0].Paragraph.Justification = JustificationMode.Right;
            portions[1].Paragraph.Justification = JustificationMode.Right;
            portions[2].Paragraph.Justification = JustificationMode.Right;

            // Different colors for each style. The will be changed, but rendering is not fully supported
            portions[0].Style.FillColor = Color.Aquamarine;
            portions[1].Style.FillColor = Color.Violet;
            portions[2].Style.FillColor = Color.LightBlue;

            // Different font. The will be changed, but rendering is not fully supported
            portions[0].Style.FontSize = 6;
            portions[1].Style.FontSize = 8;
            portions[2].Style.FontSize = 10;


            im.Save(outputPath, new PsdOptions(im));


See Also