Class PixelsData

PixelsData class

The class to store image pixels data and its bounds.

public sealed class PixelsData


PixelsData()Initializes a new instance of the PixelsData class.
PixelsData(int[], Rectangle)Initializes a new instance of the PixelsData class.


Bounds { get; set; }Gets or sets the bounds of pixels data.
Pixels { get; set; }Gets or sets the pixels data.


The following code shows you how to create a custom smart filter that has a custom renderer.


public void CustomSmartFilterExample(string sourceFile = "psdnet1057.psd", string outputPsd = "out_psdnet1057.psd", string outputPng = "out_psdnet1057.png")
    // Inits the unsupported 'Crystallize' smart filter at input array
    SmartFilter[] InitUnknownSmartFilters(SmartFilter[] smartFilters)
        // the 'Crystallize' smart filter ID.
        int id = 1131574132;

        for (int i = 0; i < smartFilters.Length; i++)
            var smartFilter = smartFilters[i];
            if (smartFilter is UnknownSmartFilter && smartFilter.FilterId == id)
                var customSmartFilterInstance = new CustomSmartFilterWithRenderer();
                customSmartFilterInstance.SourceDescriptor.Structures = smartFilter.SourceDescriptor.Structures;
                smartFilters[i] = customSmartFilterInstance;

        return smartFilters;

    using (var image = (PsdImage) Image.Load(sourceFile))
        SmartObjectLayer smartLayer = (SmartObjectLayer) image.Layers[1];
        Layer maskLayer = image.Layers[2];
        Layer regularLayer = image.Layers[3];

        smartLayer.SmartFilters.Filters = InitUnknownSmartFilters(smartLayer.SmartFilters.Filters);
        var smartFilter = smartLayer.SmartFilters.Filters[0];

        // Apply filter to SmartObject

        // Apply filter to layer mask

        //Apply filter to layer

        image.Save(outputPng, new PngOptions());

public sealed class CustomSmartFilterWithRenderer : SmartFilter, ISmartFilterRenderer
    public override string Name
        get { return "Custom 'Crystallize' smart filter\0"; }

    public override int FilterId
        // the 'Crystallize' smart filter ID.
        get { return 1131574132; }

    public PixelsData Render(PixelsData pixelsData)
        // get filter structure
        var filterDescriptor = (DescriptorStructure) this.SourceDescriptor.Structures[6];
        // get value of Crystallize Size
        var valueStructure = (IntegerStructure) filterDescriptor.Structures[0];

        for (int i = 0; i < pixelsData.Pixels.Length; i++)
            if (i % valueStructure.Value == 0)
                pixelsData.Pixels[i] = 0;

        return pixelsData;

See Also