
insertPictureFrame(int index, int shapeType, float x, float y, float width, float height, PPImage image) method

Creates a new PictureFrame and inserts it to the collection at the specified index.


indexintThe zero-based index at which value should be inserted.
shapeTypeintThe shape contained in the set ShapeType of shapes, except all sorts of lines: ShapeType.Line, ShapeType.StraightConnector1, ShapeType.BentConnector2, ShapeType.BentConnector3, ShapeType.BentConnector4, ShapeType.BentConnector5, ShapeType.CurvedConnector2, ShapeType.CurvedConnector3, ShapeType.CurvedConnector4, ShapeType.CurvedConnector5.
xfloatThe X-coordinate for a left side of shape’s frame.
yfloatThe Y-coordinate for a top side of shape’s frame.
widthfloatThe width of shape’s frame.
heightfloatThe height of shape’s frame.
imagePPImageThe image of picture frame.


VideoFrame, PictureFrame, AudioFrame