ChartType enumeration

ChartType enumeration

Represents a type of chart.

The ChartType type exposes the following members:


CLUSTERED_COLUMNRepresents Clustered Column Chart.
STACKED_COLUMNRepresents Stacked Column Chart.
PERCENTS_STACKED_COLUMNRepresents 100% Stacked Column Chart.
CLUSTERED_COLUMN_3DRepresents 3D Colustered Column Chart.
STACKED_COLUMN_3DRepresents 3D Stacked Column Chart.
PERCENTS_STACKED_COLUMN_3DRepresents 3D 100% Stacked Column Chart.
COLUMN_3DRepresents 3D Column Chart.
CLUSTERED_CYLINDERRepresents Cylinder Chart.
STACKED_CYLINDERRepresents Stacked Cylinder Chart.
PERCENTS_STACKED_CYLINDERRepresents 100% Stacked Cylinder Chart.
CYLINDER_3DRepresents 3D Cylindrical Column Chart.
CLUSTERED_CONERepresents Cone Chart.
STACKED_CONERepresents Stacked Cone Chart.
PERCENTS_STACKED_CONERepresents 100% Stacked Cone Chart.
CONE_3DRepresents 3D Conical Column Chart.
CLUSTERED_PYRAMIDRepresents Pyramid Chart.
STACKED_PYRAMIDRepresents Stacked Pyramid Chart.
PERCENTS_STACKED_PYRAMIDRepresents 100% Stacked Pyramid Chart.
PYRAMID_3DRepresents 3D Pyramid Column Chart.
LINERepresents Line Chart.
STACKED_LINERepresents Stacked Line Chart.
PERCENTS_STACKED_LINERepresents 100% Stacked Line Chart.
LINE_WITH_MARKERSRepresents Line Chart with data markers.
STACKED_LINE_WITH_MARKERSRepresents Stacked Line Chart with data markers.
PERCENTS_STACKED_LINE_WITH_MARKERSRepresents 100% Stacked Line Chart with data markers.
LINE_3DRepresents 3D Line Chart.
PIERepresents Pie Chart.
PIE_3DRepresents 3D Pie Chart.
PIE_OF_PIERepresents Pie of Pie Chart.
EXPLODED_PIERepresents Exploded Pie Chart.
EXPLODED_PIE_3DRepresents 3D Exploded Pie Chart.
BAR_OF_PIERepresents Bar of Pie Chart.
PERCENTS_STACKED_BARRepresents 100% Stacked Bar Chart.
CLUSTERED_BAR_3DRepresents 3D Colustered Bar Chart.
CLUSTERED_BARRepresents Clustered Bar Chart.
STACKED_BARRepresents Stacked Bar Chart.
STACKED_BAR_3DRepresents 3D Stacked Bar Chart.
PERCENTS_STACKED_BAR_3DRepresents 3D 100% Stacked Bar Chart.
CLUSTERED_HORIZONTAL_CYLINDERRepresents Cylindrical Bar Chart.
STACKED_HORIZONTAL_CYLINDERRepresents Stacked Cylindrical Bar Chart.
PERCENTS_STACKED_HORIZONTAL_CYLINDERRepresents 100% Stacked Cylindrical Bar Chart.
CLUSTERED_HORIZONTAL_CONERepresents Conical Bar Chart.
STACKED_HORIZONTAL_CONERepresents Stacked Conical Bar Chart.
PERCENTS_STACKED_HORIZONTAL_CONERepresents 100% Stacked Conical Bar Chart.
STACKED_HORIZONTAL_PYRAMIDRepresents Stacked Pyramid Bar Chart.
PERCENTS_STACKED_HORIZONTAL_PYRAMIDRepresents 100% Stacked Pyramid Bar Chart.
AREARepresents Area Chart.
STACKED_AREARepresents Stacked Area Chart.
PERCENTS_STACKED_AREARepresents 100% Stacked Area Chart.
AREA_3DRepresents 3D Area Chart.
STACKED_AREA_3DRepresents 3D Stacked Area Chart.
PERCENTS_STACKED_AREA_3DRepresents 3D 100% Stacked Area Chart.
SCATTER_WITH_MARKERSRepresents Scatter Chart.
SCATTER_WITH_SMOOTH_LINES_AND_MARKERSRepresents Scatter Chart connected by curves, with data markers.
SCATTER_WITH_SMOOTH_LINESRepresents Scatter Chart connected by curves, without data markers.
SCATTER_WITH_STRAIGHT_LINES_AND_MARKERSRepresents Scatter Chart connected by lines, with data markers.
SCATTER_WITH_STRAIGHT_LINESRepresents Scatter Chart connected by lines, without data markers.
HIGH_LOW_CLOSERepresents High-Low-Close Stock Chart.
OPEN_HIGH_LOW_CLOSERepresents Open-High-Low-Close Stock Chart.
VOLUME_HIGH_LOW_CLOSERepresents Volume-High-Low-Close Stock Chart.
VOLUME_OPEN_HIGH_LOW_CLOSERepresents Volume-Open-High-Low-Close Stock Chart.
SURFACE_3DRepresents 3D Surface Chart.
WIREFRAME_SURFACE_3DRepresents Wireframe 3D Surface Chart.
CONTOURRepresents Contour Chart.
WIREFRAME_CONTOURRepresents Wireframe Contour Chart.
DOUGHNUTRepresents Doughnut Chart.
EXPLODED_DOUGHNUTRepresents Exploded Doughnut Chart.
BUBBLERepresents Bubble Chart.
BUBBLE_WITH_3DRepresents 3D Bubble Chart.
RADARRepresents Radar Chart.
RADAR_WITH_MARKERSRepresents Radar Chart with data markers.
FILLED_RADARRepresents Filled Radar Chart.
SERIES_OF_MIXED_TYPESThis value only can be returned by ChartEx.Type property.
It mean that chart has series of mixed types.
TREEMAPRepresents Treemap chart.
SUNBURSTRepresents Sunburst chart.
HISTOGRAMRepresents Histogram chart.
PARETO_LINERepresents Pareto line series type (Histogram Pareto chart).
BOX_AND_WHISKERRepresents BoxAndWhisker chart.
WATERFALLRepresents Waterfall chart.
FUNNELRepresents Funnel chart.
MAPRepresents Map chart.

See Also