
StringOrDoubleChartValue class

Represent string or double value which can be stored in pptx presentation document in two ways:
1) in cell/cells of workbook related to chart;
2) as literal value.

The StringOrDoubleChartValue type exposes the following members:


data_source_typeSpecifies whether AsCell, AsCells, AsLiteralString or AsLiteralDouble
property is actual in descendants. In other words it specifies the type
of value of the Data property.
Read/write DataSourceType.
dataReturns or sets Data object.
Read/write object.
as_cellReturns or sets chart data cell.
Read/write IChartDataCell.
as_literal_stringReturns or sets value as literal string.
Read/write string.
as_literal_doubleReturns or sets value as literal double.
Read/write float.
as_i_single_cell_chart_valueAllows to get base ISingleCellChartValue interface.
Read-only ISingleCellChartValue.
as_i_base_chart_valueAllows to get base IBaseChartValue interface.
Read-only IBaseChartValue.


to_double()Converts to double.

See Also