Legend class

Legend class

Represents chart’s legend properties.

The Legend type exposes the following members:


xReturns or sets the x coordinate of a legend as a fraction of the width of the chart.
Read/write float.
yReturns or sets the y coordinate of a legend as a fraction of the height of the chart.
Read/write float.
widthReturns or sets the width of a legend as a fraction of the width of the chart.
Read/write float.
heightReturns or sets the height of a legend as a fraction of the height of the chart.
Read/write float.
Read-only float.
Read-only float.
overlayDetermines whether other chart elements shall be allowed to overlap legend.
Read/write bool.
text_formatText format.
Read-only IChartTextFormat.
positionSpecifies the position of the legend on a chart.
Non-NaN values of X, Y, Width, Heigt properties override effect of this property.
Read/write LegendPositionType.
formatReturns the format of a legend.
Read-only IFormat.
chartReturns the chart.
Read-only IChart.
entriesGets legend entries.
Read-only ILegendEntryCollection.

See Also