
JsonDataLoadOptions.ExactDateTimeParseFormats property

Gets or sets exact formats for parsing JSON date-time values while loading JSON. The default is null.

public IEnumerable<string> ExactDateTimeParseFormats { get; set; }


Strings encoded using Microsoft® JSON date-time format (for example, “/Date(1224043200000)/”) are always recognized as date-time values regardless of a value of this property. The property defines additional formats to be used while parsing date-time values from strings in the following way:

  • When ExactDateTimeParseFormats is null, the ISO-8601 format and all date-time formats supported for the current, English USA, and English New Zealand cultures are used additionally in the mentioned order.
  • When ExactDateTimeParseFormats contains strings, they are used as additional date-time formats utilizing the current culture.
  • When ExactDateTimeParseFormats is empty, no additional date-time formats are used.


Shows how to use JSON as a data source (string).

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Reporting engine template - JSON data destination.docx");

JsonDataLoadOptions options = new JsonDataLoadOptions
    ExactDateTimeParseFormats = new List<string> {"MM/dd/yyyy", "MM.d.yy", "MM d yy"},
    AlwaysGenerateRootObject = true,
    PreserveSpaces = true,
    SimpleValueParseMode = JsonSimpleValueParseMode.Loose

JsonDataSource dataSource = new JsonDataSource(MyDir + "List of people.json", options);
BuildReport(doc, dataSource, "persons");

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "ReportingEngine.JsonDataString.docx");

See Also