Aspose::Cells::ExternalConnections namespace


ConnectionParameterSpecifies properties about any parameters used with external data connections Parameters are valid for ODBC and web queries.
ConnectionParameterCollectionSpecifies the ConnectionParameter collection.
DataModelConnectionSpecifies a data model connection.
DBConnectionSpecifies all properties associated with an ODBC or OLE DB external data connection.
ExternalConnectionSpecifies an external data connection.
ExternalConnectionCollectionSpecifies the ExternalConnection collection.
WebQueryConnectionSpecifies the properties for a web query source. A web query will retrieve data from HTML tables, and can also supply HTTP “Get” parameters to be processed by the web server in generating the HTML by including the parameters and parameter elements.


ConnectionDataSourceTypeSpecifies external database source type.
ConnectionParameterTypeSpecifies the parameter type of external connection.
CredentialsMethodTypeSpecifies Credentials method used for server access.
ExternalConnectionClassTypeRepresents the type of connection.
HtmlFormatHandlingTypeSpecifies how to handle formatting from the HTML source.
OLEDBCommandTypeSpecifies the OLE DB command type.
ReConnectionMethodTypeSpecifies what the spreadsheet application should do when a connection fails.
SqlDataTypeSpecifies SQL data type of the parameter. Only valid for ODBC sources.