Aspose::Cells::Pivot::PivotField::GroupBy method

PivotField::GroupBy(double, bool) method

Automatically group the field with internal.

void Aspose::Cells::Pivot::PivotField::GroupBy(double interval, bool newField)
intervaldoubleThe internal of group. Automatic value will be assigned if it’s zero,
newFieldboolIndicates whether adding a new field to the pivottable.

See Also

PivotField::GroupBy(const Date&, const Date&, const Vector <PivotGroupByType>&, double, bool) method

Group the file by the date group types.

void Aspose::Cells::Pivot::PivotField::GroupBy(const Date &start, const Date &end, const Vector<PivotGroupByType> &groups, double interval, bool firstAsNewField)
startconst Date&The start datetime
endconst Date&The end of datetime
groupsconst Vector <PivotGroupByType>&Group types
intervaldoubleThe interval
firstAsNewFieldboolIndicates whether adding a new field to the pivottable. Only for the first group item.

See Also

PivotField::GroupBy(double, double, double, bool) method

Group the file by number.

void Aspose::Cells::Pivot::PivotField::GroupBy(double start, double end, double interval, bool newField)
startdoubleThe start value
enddoubleThe end of value
intervaldoubleThe interval
newFieldboolIndicates whether adding a new field to the pivottable

See Also

PivotField::GroupBy(const Vector <CustomPiovtFieldGroupItem>&, bool) method

Custom group the field.

void Aspose::Cells::Pivot::PivotField::GroupBy(const Vector<CustomPiovtFieldGroupItem> &customGroupItems, bool newField)
customGroupItemsconst Vector <CustomPiovtFieldGroupItem>&The custom group items.
newFieldboolIndicates whether adding a new field to the pivottable

See Also