Aspose::Cells::Pivot::PivotFilter class
]PivotFilter class
Represents a PivotFilter in PivotFilter Collection.
class PivotFilter
Method | Description |
GetAutoFilter() | (Deprecated) Gets the autofilter of the pivot filter. |
GetDateTimeValues() | Gets values of the number filter. |
GetEvaluationOrder() | Gets the Evaluation Order of the pivot filter. |
GetFieldIndex() | Gets the index of source field which this pivot filter is applied to. |
GetFilterCategory() | Gets the category of this filter. |
GetFilterType() | Gets the autofilter type of the pivot filter. |
GetLabels() | Gets labels of the caption filter. |
GetMeasureCubeFieldIndex() | Specifies the index of the measure cube field. this property is used only by filters in OLAP pivots and specifies on which measure a value filter should apply. |
GetMeasureFldIndex() | (Deprecated) Gets the measure field index of the pivot filter. |
GetMemberPropertyFieldIndex() | Gets the member property field index of the pivot filter. |
GetName() | Gets the name of the pivot filter. |
GetNumberValues() | Gets values of the number filter. |
GetTop10Value() | Gets top 10 setting of the filter. |
GetUseWholeDay() | Indicates whether uses whole days in its filtering criteria. |
GetValue1() | Gets the string value1 of the label pivot filter. |
GetValue2() | Gets the string value2 of the label pivot filter. |
GetValueFieldIndex() | Gets the index of value field in the value region. |
IsNull() const | Checks whether the implementation object is nullptr. |
explicit operator bool() const | operator bool() |
operator=(const PivotFilter& src) | operator= |
PivotFilter(PivotFilter_Impl* impl) | Constructs from an implementation object. |
PivotFilter(const PivotFilter& src) | Copy constructor. |
SetEvaluationOrder(int32_t value) | Gets the Evaluation Order of the pivot filter. |
SetMeasureFldIndex(int32_t value) | (Deprecated) Gets the measure field index of the pivot filter. |
SetMemberPropertyFieldIndex(int32_t value) | Gets the member property field index of the pivot filter. |
SetName(const U16String& value) | Gets the name of the pivot filter. |
SetName(const char16_t* value) | Gets the name of the pivot filter. |
SetUseWholeDay(bool value) | Indicates whether uses whole days in its filtering criteria. |
SetValue1(const U16String& value) | Gets the string value1 of the label pivot filter. |
SetValue1(const char16_t* value) | Gets the string value1 of the label pivot filter. |
SetValue2(const U16String& value) | Gets the string value2 of the label pivot filter. |
SetValue2(const char16_t* value) | Gets the string value2 of the label pivot filter. |
SetValueFieldIndex(int32_t value) | Gets the index of value field in the value region. |
~PivotFilter() | Destructor. |
Field | Description |
_impl | The implementation object. |
Workbook book;
Worksheet sheet = book.GetWorksheets().Get(0);
Cells cells = sheet.GetCells();
cells.Get(0, 0).PutValue(u"fruit");
cells.Get(1, 0).PutValue(u"grape");
cells.Get(2, 0).PutValue(u"blueberry");
cells.Get(3, 0).PutValue(u"kiwi");
cells.Get(4, 0).PutValue(u"cherry");
cells.Get(5, 0).PutValue(u"grape");
cells.Get(6, 0).PutValue(u"blueberry");
cells.Get(7, 0).PutValue(u"kiwi");
cells.Get(8, 0).PutValue(u"cherry");
cells.Get(0, 1).PutValue(u"year");
cells.Get(1, 1).PutValue(2020);
cells.Get(2, 1).PutValue(2020);
cells.Get(3, 1).PutValue(2020);
cells.Get(4, 1).PutValue(2020);
cells.Get(5, 1).PutValue(2021);
cells.Get(6, 1).PutValue(2021);
cells.Get(7, 1).PutValue(2021);
cells.Get(8, 1).PutValue(2021);
cells.Get(0, 2).PutValue(u"amount");
cells.Get(1, 2).PutValue(50);
cells.Get(2, 2).PutValue(60);
cells.Get(3, 2).PutValue(70);
cells.Get(4, 2).PutValue(80);
cells.Get(5, 2).PutValue(90);
cells.Get(6, 2).PutValue(100);
cells.Get(7, 2).PutValue(110);
cells.Get(8, 2).PutValue(120);
PivotTableCollection pivots = sheet.GetPivotTables();
int pivotIndex = pivots.Add(u"=Sheet1!A1:C9", u"A12", u"TestPivotTable");
PivotTable pivot = pivots.Get(pivotIndex);
pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::Row, u"fruit");
pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::Column, u"year");
pivot.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType::Data, u"amount");
//Add top 10 filter
pivot.GetBaseFields().Get(0).FilterTop10(0, PivotFilterType::Count, false, 2);
See Also
- Namespace Aspose::Cells::Pivot
- Library Aspose.Cells for C++