Aspose::Cells::CommentCollection::AddThreadedComment method

CommentCollection::AddThreadedComment(int32_t, int32_t, const U16String&, const ThreadedCommentAuthor&) method

Adds a threaded comment.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::CommentCollection::AddThreadedComment(int32_t row, int32_t column, const U16String &text, const ThreadedCommentAuthor &author)
rowint32_tCell row index.
columnint32_tCell column index.
textconst U16String&The text of the comment
authorconst ThreadedCommentAuthor&The user of this threaded comment.


ThreadedComment object index.

See Also

CommentCollection::AddThreadedComment(int32_t, int32_t, const char16_t*, const ThreadedCommentAuthor&) method

Adds a threaded comment.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::CommentCollection::AddThreadedComment(int32_t row, int32_t column, const char16_t *text, const ThreadedCommentAuthor &author)
rowint32_tCell row index.
columnint32_tCell column index.
textconst char16_t*The text of the comment
authorconst ThreadedCommentAuthor&The user of this threaded comment.


ThreadedComment object index.

See Also

CommentCollection::AddThreadedComment(const U16String&, const U16String&, const ThreadedCommentAuthor&) method

Adds a threaded comment.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::CommentCollection::AddThreadedComment(const U16String &cellName, const U16String &text, const ThreadedCommentAuthor &author)
cellNameconst U16String&The name of the cell.
textconst U16String&The text of the comment
authorconst ThreadedCommentAuthor&The user of this threaded comment.


ThreadedComment object index.

See Also

CommentCollection::AddThreadedComment(const char16_t*, const char16_t*, const ThreadedCommentAuthor&) method

Adds a threaded comment.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::CommentCollection::AddThreadedComment(const char16_t *cellName, const char16_t *text, const ThreadedCommentAuthor &author)
cellNameconst char16_t*The name of the cell.
textconst char16_t*The text of the comment
authorconst ThreadedCommentAuthor&The user of this threaded comment.


ThreadedComment object index.

See Also