Aspose::Cells::DeleteBlankOptions class
]DeleteBlankOptions class
Represents the setting of deleting blank cells/rows/columns.
class DeleteBlankOptions : public Aspose::Cells::DeleteOptions
Method | Description |
DeleteBlankOptions() | Default constructor. |
DeleteBlankOptions(DeleteBlankOptions_Impl* impl) | Constructs from an implementation object. |
DeleteBlankOptions(const DeleteBlankOptions& src) | Copy constructor. |
DeleteBlankOptions(const DeleteOptions& src) | Constructs from a parent object. |
DeleteOptions() | Default constructor. |
DeleteOptions(DeleteOptions_Impl* impl) | Constructs from an implementation object. |
DeleteOptions(const DeleteOptions& src) | Copy constructor. |
GetDrawingsAsBlank() | Whether drawing related objects such as picture, shape, chart… will be taken as blank. Default value is true. |
GetEmptyFormulaValueAsBlank() | Whether one cell will be taken as blank when it is formula and the calculated result is null or empty string. Default value is false. |
GetEmptyStringAsBlank() | Whether one cell will be taken as blank when its value is empty string. Default value is true. |
GetEndIndex() | Specifies the end row/column index(inclusive) of the range to check and delete blank rows/columns. Default value is -1 and -1 means the maximum range of all objects(cells, drawings, …) that need to be checked. |
GetFormulaChangeMonitor() | Gets/sets the monitor for tracking changes caused by the deletion. |
GetMergedCellsShrinkType() | Indicates how to process merged cells when deleting blank rows/columns. |
GetStartIndex() | Specifies the start row/column index of the range to check and delete blank rows/columns. |
GetUpdateReference() | Indicates if update references in other worksheets. |
IsNull() const | Checks whether the implementation object is nullptr. |
explicit operator bool() const | operator bool() |
operator=(const DeleteBlankOptions& src) | operator= |
operator=(const DeleteOptions& src) | operator= |
SetDrawingsAsBlank(bool value) | Whether drawing related objects such as picture, shape, chart… will be taken as blank. Default value is true. |
SetEmptyFormulaValueAsBlank(bool value) | Whether one cell will be taken as blank when it is formula and the calculated result is null or empty string. Default value is false. |
SetEmptyStringAsBlank(bool value) | Whether one cell will be taken as blank when its value is empty string. Default value is true. |
SetEndIndex(int32_t value) | Specifies the end row/column index(inclusive) of the range to check and delete blank rows/columns. Default value is -1 and -1 means the maximum range of all objects(cells, drawings, …) that need to be checked. |
SetFormulaChangeMonitor(AbstractFormulaChangeMonitor* value) | Gets/sets the monitor for tracking changes caused by the deletion. |
SetMergedCellsShrinkType(MergedCellsShrinkType value) | Indicates how to process merged cells when deleting blank rows/columns. |
SetStartIndex(int32_t value) | Specifies the start row/column index of the range to check and delete blank rows/columns. |
SetUpdateReference(bool value) | Indicates if update references in other worksheets. |
~DeleteBlankOptions() | Destructor. |
~DeleteOptions() | Destructor. |
Field | Description |
_impl | The implementation object. |
See Also
- Class DeleteOptions
- Namespace Aspose::Cells
- Library Aspose.Cells for C++