Aspose::Cells::HyperlinkCollection::Add method

HyperlinkCollection::Add(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const U16String&) method

Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::HyperlinkCollection::Add(int32_t firstRow, int32_t firstColumn, int32_t totalRows, int32_t totalColumns, const U16String &address)
firstRowint32_tFirst row of the hyperlink range.
firstColumnint32_tFirst column of the hyperlink range.
totalRowsint32_tNumber of rows in this hyperlink range.
totalColumnsint32_tNumber of columns of this hyperlink range.
addressconst U16String&Address of the hyperlink.


Hyperlink object index.

See Also

HyperlinkCollection::Add(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, const char16_t*) method

Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::HyperlinkCollection::Add(int32_t firstRow, int32_t firstColumn, int32_t totalRows, int32_t totalColumns, const char16_t *address)
firstRowint32_tFirst row of the hyperlink range.
firstColumnint32_tFirst column of the hyperlink range.
totalRowsint32_tNumber of rows in this hyperlink range.
totalColumnsint32_tNumber of columns of this hyperlink range.
addressconst char16_t*Address of the hyperlink.


Hyperlink object index.

See Also

HyperlinkCollection::Add(const U16String&, int32_t, int32_t, const U16String&) method

Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::HyperlinkCollection::Add(const U16String &cellName, int32_t totalRows, int32_t totalColumns, const U16String &address)
cellNameconst U16String&Cell name.
totalRowsint32_tNumber of rows in this hyperlink range.
totalColumnsint32_tNumber of columns of this hyperlink range.
addressconst U16String&Address of the hyperlink.


Hyperlink object index.


//Instantiating a Workbook object
Workbook excel;
Worksheet worksheet = excel.GetWorksheets().Get(0);

U16String val_1 = u"A4";
U16String val_2 = u"";
worksheet.GetHyperlinks().Add(val_1, 1, 1, val_2);

val_1 = u"A5";
val_2 = u"c:\\book1.xls";
worksheet.GetHyperlinks().Add(val_1, 1, 1, val_2);

See Also

HyperlinkCollection::Add(const char16_t*, int32_t, int32_t, const char16_t*) method

Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::HyperlinkCollection::Add(const char16_t *cellName, int32_t totalRows, int32_t totalColumns, const char16_t *address)
cellNameconst char16_t*Cell name.
totalRowsint32_tNumber of rows in this hyperlink range.
totalColumnsint32_tNumber of columns of this hyperlink range.
addressconst char16_t*Address of the hyperlink.


Hyperlink object index.


//Instantiating a Workbook object
Workbook excel;
Worksheet worksheet = excel.GetWorksheets().Get(0);
worksheet.GetHyperlinks().Add(u"A4", 1, 1, u"");
worksheet.GetHyperlinks().Add(u"A5", 1, 1, u"c:\\book1.xls");

See Also

HyperlinkCollection::Add(const U16String&, const U16String&, const U16String&, const U16String&, const U16String&) method

Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::HyperlinkCollection::Add(const U16String &startCellName, const U16String &endCellName, const U16String &address, const U16String &textToDisplay, const U16String &screenTip)
startCellNameconst U16String&The top-left cell of the range.
endCellNameconst U16String&The bottom-right cell of the range.
addressconst U16String&Address of the hyperlink.
textToDisplayconst U16String&The text to be displayed for the specified hyperlink.
screenTipconst U16String&The screenTip text for the specified hyperlink.


Hyperlink object index.

See Also

HyperlinkCollection::Add(const char16_t*, const char16_t*, const char16_t*, const char16_t*, const char16_t*) method

Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.

int32_t Aspose::Cells::HyperlinkCollection::Add(const char16_t *startCellName, const char16_t *endCellName, const char16_t *address, const char16_t *textToDisplay, const char16_t *screenTip)
startCellNameconst char16_t*The top-left cell of the range.
endCellNameconst char16_t*The bottom-right cell of the range.
addressconst char16_t*Address of the hyperlink.
textToDisplayconst char16_t*The text to be displayed for the specified hyperlink.
screenTipconst char16_t*The screenTip text for the specified hyperlink.


Hyperlink object index.

See Also