Aspose::Cells::ImportTableOptions class

ImportTableOptions class

Represents the options of importing data into cells.

class ImportTableOptions


GetCheckMergedCells()Indicates whether checking merged cells.
GetColumnIndexes()Gets or sets the columns(0-based) to import from data source. null means all columns should be imported.
GetConvertGridStyle()Indicates whether apply the style of the grid view to cells.
GetConvertNumericData()Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the string value should be converted to numeric or date value.
GetDateFormat()Gets or sets date format string for cells with imported datetime values.
GetDefaultValues()Default value for the value in the table is null.
GetExportCaptionAsFieldName()Indicates whether exporting caption as field name.
GetInsertRows()Indicates whether new rows should be added for importing data records.
GetIsFormulas()Indicates whether the data are formulas.
GetNumberFormats()Gets or sets the number formats.
GetShiftFirstRowDown()Indicates whether shifting the first row down when inserting rows.
GetTotalColumns()Gets or sets total column count to import from data source. -1 means all rows of given data source.
GetTotalRows()Gets or sets total row count to import from data source. -1 means all rows of given data source.
ImportTableOptions()Creates the default importing options.
ImportTableOptions(ImportTableOptions_Impl* impl)Constructs from an implementation object.
ImportTableOptions(const ImportTableOptions& src)Copy constructor.
IsFieldNameShown()Indicates whether field name should be imported.
IsHtmlString()Indicates whether the value contains html tags.
IsNull() constChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
explicit operator bool() constoperator bool()
operator=(const ImportTableOptions& src)operator=
SetCheckMergedCells(bool value)Indicates whether checking merged cells.
SetColumnIndexes(const Vector <int32_t>& value)Gets or sets the columns(0-based) to import from data source. null means all columns should be imported.
SetConvertGridStyle(bool value)Indicates whether apply the style of the grid view to cells.
SetConvertNumericData(bool value)Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the string value should be converted to numeric or date value.
SetDateFormat(const U16String& value)Gets or sets date format string for cells with imported datetime values.
SetDateFormat(const char16_t* value)Gets or sets date format string for cells with imported datetime values.
SetDefaultValues(const Vector <Aspose::Cells::Object>& value)Default value for the value in the table is null.
SetExportCaptionAsFieldName(bool value)Indicates whether exporting caption as field name.
SetInsertRows(bool value)Indicates whether new rows should be added for importing data records.
SetIsFieldNameShown(bool value)Indicates whether field name should be imported.
SetIsFormulas(const Vector <bool>& value)Indicates whether the data are formulas.
SetIsHtmlString(bool value)Indicates whether the value contains html tags.
SetNumberFormats(const Vector <U16String>& value)Gets or sets the number formats.
SetShiftFirstRowDown(bool value)Indicates whether shifting the first row down when inserting rows.
SetTotalColumns(int32_t value)Gets or sets total column count to import from data source. -1 means all rows of given data source.
SetTotalRows(int32_t value)Gets or sets total row count to import from data source. -1 means all rows of given data source.


_implThe implementation object.

See Also