Aspose::Cells::RowCollection::GetEnumerator method

RowCollection::GetEnumerator() method

Gets an enumerator that iterates rows through this collection.

Enumerator<Row> Aspose::Cells::RowCollection::GetEnumerator()




Workbook workbook(u"template.xlsx");
Cells cells = workbook.GetWorksheets().Get(0).GetCells();

Enumerator<Row> en = cells.GetRows().GetEnumerator();
while (en.MoveNext())
    Row row = (Row)en.GetCurrent();
    std::cout << row.GetIndex() << ": " << row.GetHeight() << std::endl;

See Also

RowCollection::GetEnumerator(bool, bool) method

Gets an enumerator that iterates rows through this collection.

Enumerator<Row> Aspose::Cells::RowCollection::GetEnumerator(bool reversed, bool sync)
reversedboolwhether enumerate rows in reversed order
syncboolwhether the returned enumerator should check the modification of row collection and keep synchronized with it.


The row enumerator


If the row collection will be modified(by operations that may cause new Row be instantiated or existing Row be removed) during the traversal with the enumerator, synchronized enumerator should be used instead of normal enumerator so that the traversal can continue from the position just after the one has been traversed by the last MoveNext(). However, together with the advantage that no element be skipped or traversed repeatedly, the disadvantage for synchronized enumerator is that the performance will be degraded a bit when comparing with normal enumerator.

See Also