Interface IEWSClient

IEWSClient interface

Represents the interface for Exchange client.

public interface IEWSClient : IExchangeClientBase


CalendarFolderEventFilter { get; set; }Specifies event types for Calendar folder
ContactsFolderEventFilter { get; set; }Specifies event types for Contacts folder
CurrentCalendarFolderUri { get; set; }Gets or sets current calendar folder uri
DeletedItemsFolderEventFilter { get; set; }Specifies event types for DeletedItems folder
DraftsFolderEventFilter { get; set; }Specifies event types for Drafts folder
EnableDecompression { get; set; }Gets or sets a value that indicates whether decompression is enabled
Headers { get; }Gets array of name value pairs wich are added to WebHeaderCollection in EWS request.
InboxFolderEventFilter { get; set; }Specifies event types for Inbox folder
JournalFolderEventFilter { get; set; }Specifies event types for Journal folder
MailboxInfo { get; }Gets the mailbox info.
NotesFolderEventFilter { get; set; }Specifies event types for Notes folder
NotificationsCheckInterval { get; set; }Defines interval for notification check
NotificationTimeout { get; set; }Defines timeout for server notifications
OutboxFolderEventFilter { get; set; }Specifies event types for Outbox folder
ReconnectCount { get; set; }Gets or sets the number of reconnect attempts at connection breaks.
ReturnClientRequestId { get; set; }Gets or sets a flag to indicate whether the client requires the server side to return the request id.
RootFolderEventFilter { get; set; }Specifies event types for Root folder
SentItemsFolderEventFilter { get; set; }Specifies event types for SentItems folder
ServerVersion { get; }Gets the information about the current version of MS Exchange.
TasksFolderEventFilter { get; set; }Specifies event types for Tasks folder
TimezoneId { get; set; }Gets or sets timezone id
UseSlashAsFolderSeparator { get; set; }Gets or sets value that determines whether the slash ‘/’ is used as folder separator.


AddHeader(string, string)Adds name and value to WebHeaderCollection in EWS request.
AddToDistributionList(ExchangeDistributionList, MailAddressCollection)Appends the members to Distribution List.
AppendMessage(MailMessage)Uploads the mail message to the Inbox folder
AppendMessage(MapiMessage)Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
AppendMessage(MapiMessage, bool)Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
AppendMessage(string, MailMessage)Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
AppendMessage(string, MapiMessage, bool)Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
AppendMessages(IEnumerable<MailMessage>)Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
AppendMessages(params MailMessage[])Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
AppendMessages(string, IEnumerable<MailMessage>)Uploads the mail messages to the specified folder
AppendMessages(string, IEnumerable<MapiMessage>)Uploads the mapi messages to the specified folder
AppendMessages(string, params MailMessage[])Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
ArchiveItem(string, Appointment)The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user’s archive mailbox.
ArchiveItem(string, ExchangeTask)The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user’s archive mailbox.
ArchiveItem(string, MapiMessageItemBase)The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user’s archive mailbox.
ArchiveItem(string, string)The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user’s archive mailbox.
Backup(ExchangeFolderInfoCollection, Stream, BackupOptions)Backups the content of the specified folders
Backup(ExchangeFolderInfoCollection, string, BackupOptions)Backups the content of the specified folders
CancelAppointment(Appointment)Cancels appointment.
CancelAppointment(MapiCalendar)Cancels appointment.
CancelAppointment(string)Cancels an exiting meeting on an organizers calendar
CancelAppointment(Appointment, string)Cancels appointment.
CancelAppointment(MapiCalendar, string)Cancels appointment.
CancelAppointment(string, string)Cancels an exiting meeting on an organizers calendar
CheckUserAvailability(string, DateRange)Checks user availability within the specified time window.
CheckUserAvailability(StringCollection, DateRange)Checks users availability within the specified time window.
CloseAccess(ExchangeDelegateUser, string)Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user.
CloseAccess(ExchangeDelegateUserCollection, string)Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user.
CloseAccess(ExchangeFolderUserInfo, string)Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user.
CloseAccess(string, string)Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user.
CopyConversationItems(string, string)Copies the conversation items into the specified target folder
CopyConversationItems(string, string, string)Copies the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, into the specified target folder
CopyItem(string, string)Copies the item to specified folder
CreateAppointment(Appointment)Creates appointment.
CreateAppointment(Appointment, string)Creates appointment.
CreateAppointment(MapiCalendar, string, bool)Creates appointment.
CreateCalendarSharingInvitationMessage(string)Create calendar sharing invitation message.
CreateContact(Contact)Creates a contact item in the Exchange store.
CreateContact(string, Contact)Creates a contact item in the specified folder.
CreateDistributionList(ExchangeDistributionList, MailAddressCollection)Creates the private Distribution List.
CreateFolder(string)Creates new folder in the root folder.
CreateFolder(string, ExchangeFolderType)Creates new folder in the root folder.
CreateFolder(string, string)Creates the new folder with the specified name in the specified parent folder.
CreateFolder(string, string, ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection)Creates the new folder
CreateFolder(string, string, ExchangeFolderType)Creates the new folder
CreateFolder(string, string, ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection, string)Creates the new folder
CreateInboxRule(InboxRule)Creates the specified inbox rule
CreateInboxRule(InboxRule, string)Creates the specified inbox rule
CreateItem(MapiMessageItemBase)Creates the given item in the default item folder.
CreateItem(string, MapiMessageItemBase)Creates the given item in the specified folder.
CreateItems(ExchangeStreamedItem[], string)Creates the specified items in the speciifed folder
CreatePublicFolder(string, ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection)Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder
CreatePublicFolder(string, ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection, ExchangeFolderType)Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder
CreatePublicFolder(string, string, ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection)Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder
CreateTask(ExchangeTask)Creates the given task in the default task folder.
CreateTask(string, ExchangeTask)Creates the given task in the specified folder.
CreateUserConfiguration(UserConfiguration)Creates the specified user configuration
DelegateAccess(ExchangeDelegateUser, string)Delegates access on the specified mailbox to the specified user.
DelegateAccess(ExchangeDelegateUserCollection, string)Delegates access on the mailbox to the specified users.
DelegateAccess(string, ExchangeDelegateFolderPermissionLevel, string)Delegates access on the principal mailbox to the specified user.
DeleteConversationItems(string)Deletes all items of the specified conversation
DeleteConversationItems(string, string)Deletes the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder
DeleteDistributionList(ExchangeDistributionList, bool)Deletes the Distribution List.
DeleteFolder(string)Deletes the folder
DeleteFolder(string, bool)Deletes the folder
DeleteFolders(ExchangeFolderInfoCollection)Deletes the specified folders
DeleteFolders(StringCollection)Deletes the specified folders
DeleteFolders(ExchangeFolderInfoCollection, bool)Deletes the specified folders
DeleteFolders(StringCollection, bool)Deletes the folder
DeleteFromDistributionList(ExchangeDistributionList, MailAddressCollection)Deletes the members from Distribution List.
DeleteInboxRule(string)Deletes the specified inbox rule
DeleteInboxRule(string, string)Deletes the specified inbox rule
DeleteItem(string, DeletionOptions)Deletes specified item
DeleteItems(IEnumerable<string>, DeletionOptions)Deletes specified items
DeleteUserConfiguration(UserConfigurationName)Deletes the specified user configuration
DisconnectPhoneCall(string)Disconnects a phone call specified by id.
EmptyFolder(string)Empties the specified folder. Subfolders will not be deleted; deleted items will be moved into DeletedItems folder
EmptyFolder(string, EmptyFolderOptions)Empties the specified folder
ExpandDistributionList(MailAddress)Expands the public Distribution List members.
ExportItems(params string[])Exports the specified items from mailbox
FetchAppointment(string)Fetch the specified appointment from server.
FetchAppointment(string, string)Fetch the specified appointment from server.
FetchAttachment(string)Fetches the attachment
FetchConversationMessages(string)Fetches the specified conversation messages
FetchDistributionList(ExchangeDistributionList)Fetches the private Distribution List members.
FetchItem(string)Retrieves the item as MapiMessage.
FetchItem(string, IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor>)Retrieves the item as MapiMessage.
FetchItems(EwsFetchItems)Retrieves the items.
FetchMapiCalendar(IEnumerable<string>)Fetch array of MapiCalendar objects.
FetchMapiCalendar(IEnumerable<string>, IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor>)Fetch array of MapiCalendar objects.
FetchMapiMessages(IEnumerable<string>)Fetches the speciifed messages
FetchMapiMessages(IEnumerable<string>, IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor>)Fetches the speciifed messages
FetchMapiNotes(IEnumerable<string>)Fetch array of MapiNote objects.
FetchMapiNotes(IEnumerable<string>, IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor>)Fetch array of MapiNote objects.
FetchMapiTasks(IEnumerable<string>)Fetch array of MapiTask objects.
FetchMapiTasks(IEnumerable<string>, IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor>)Fetch array of MapiTask objects.
FetchMessage(string)Fetches the message.
FetchMessage(string, IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor>)Fetches the message from server
FetchMessages(IEnumerable<ExchangeMessageInfo>)Fetches the speciifed messages
FetchMessages(IEnumerable<string>)Fetches the speciifed messages
FetchMessages(StringCollection)Fetches the speciifed messages
FetchMessages(IEnumerable<string>, IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor>)Fetches the speciifed messages
FetchTask(string)Fetches the specified task.
FindConversations(string)Finds conversations in the specified folder
FindMessageTrackingReport(FindMessageTrackingReportOptions)Finds messages that meet the specified criteria.
FindPeople(string, int)Find contacts located in the global address list (GAL) on server.
FindPeople(string, MailQuery, int)Find contacts located in the specified user’s personal mailbox on server.
FolderExists(string, string)Checks whether the specified folder exists.
FolderExists(string, string, out ExchangeFolderInfo)Checks whether the specified folder exists.
Forward(MailMessage, ExchangeMessageInfo)Forward a message.
GetCallInfo(string)Retrieves phone call information by call id
GetContact(ObjectIdentifier)Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier.
GetContact(string)Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier.
GetContact(ObjectIdentifier, ExchangeListContactsOptions)Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier.
GetContact(string, ExchangeListContactsOptions)Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier.
GetContacts(string)Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server
GetContacts(string, ExchangeListContactsOptions)Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server
GetExchangeType()Gets the information about the current version of MS Exchange.
GetFolderInfo(string)Gets the folder information
GetFolderPermissions(string)Gets the folder permissions.
GetInboxRules()Gets inbox rules
GetInboxRules(string)Gets inbox rules
GetMailboxes()Lists mailboxes having smtp addresses. Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used EWS operation.
GetMailboxInfo()Gets the mailbox info.
GetMailboxInfo(string)Gets the mailbox information
GetMailboxSize()Gets the size of the mailbox. Please, note this operation is performed recursively for all subfolders and make take some time
GetMailboxSizeEx(string)Gets the size of the mailbox Please, note this operation is performed recursively for all subfolders and make take some time
GetMailTips(GetMailTipsOptions)Gets mail tips
GetMessageTrackingReport(GetMessageTrackingReportOptions)Gets message tracking report
GetServerTimeZoneIds()The GetServerTimeZoneIds returns information from time zone id that are available on an Exchange server.
GetServerTimeZoneIds(IEnumerable<string>)The GetServerTimeZoneIds returns information from time zone id that are available on an Exchange server.
GetServerTimeZoneIds(params string[])The GetServerTimeZoneIds returns information from time zone id that are available on an Exchange server.
GetUMConfiguration()Retrieves unified messaging configuration
GetUserConfiguration(UserConfigurationName)Gets the specified user configuration
GetVersionInfo()Returns exchange server version info
ImpersonateUser(ItemChoice, string)Impersonates the user.
ListAppointments()Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder
ListAppointments(bool)Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder
ListAppointments(MailQuery)Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder
ListAppointments(string)Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder
ListAppointments(MailQuery, bool)Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder
ListAppointments(string, bool)Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder
ListAppointments(string, MailQuery)Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder
ListAppointments(string, MailQuery, bool)Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder
ListAppointmentsByPage(int)Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder
ListAppointmentsByPage(int, int)Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder
ListAppointmentsByPage(MailQuery, int)Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder
ListAppointmentsByPage(string, int)Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder
ListAppointmentsByPage(MailQuery, int, int)Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder
ListAppointmentsByPage(string, int, int)Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder
ListAppointmentsByPage(string, MailQuery, int)Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder
ListAppointmentsByPage(string, MailQuery, int, int)Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder
ListContacts(string)Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server
ListContacts(string, IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor>)Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server
ListDelegates(string)Lists the users who are granted access on the specified mailbox.
ListDistributionLists()List the private Distribution Lists.
ListItems(string)Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder
ListItems(string, MailQuery)Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder
ListItems(string, string)Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder
ListItems(string, MailQuery, bool)Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder
ListItems(string, string, MailQuery)Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder
ListItems(string, string, MailQuery, bool)Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder
ListMailboxes()Lists mailboxes.
ListMailboxes(string)Please pay your attention, this overridden method works with Exchange Server 2013 and higher. Lists mailboxes.
ListMessages()List the messages in the inbox folder.
ListMessages(IEnumerable<string>)List the messages in the specified folder.
ListMessages(string)Lists the messages.
ListMessages(string, bool)List the messages in the specified folder
ListMessages(string, ExchangeListMessagesOptions)Lists the messages.
ListMessages(string, int)Lists the messages.
ListMessages(string, MailQuery)List the messages in the specified folder.
ListMessages(string, ExchangeListMessagesOptions, IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor>)List the messages in the specified folder
ListMessages(string, int, ExchangeListMessagesOptions)Lists the messages.
ListMessages(string, int, MailQuery)List the messages in the specified folder.
ListMessages(string, MailQuery, bool)List the messages in the specified folder.
ListMessages(string, string, bool)List the messages in the specified folder
ListMessages(string, string, MailQuery)List the messages in the specified folder.
ListMessages(string, int, MailQuery, bool)List the messages in the specified folder.
ListMessagesByPage(string, int)List the messages in the specified folder.
ListMessagesByPage(string, PageInfo)List the messages in the specified folder.
ListMessagesByPage(string, int, int)List the messages in the specified folder.
ListMessagesByPage(string, MailQuery, int)List the messages in the specified folder.
ListMessagesByPage(string, PageInfo, ExchangeListMessagesOptions)List the messages in the specified folder.
ListMessagesByPage(string, int, int, ExchangeListMessagesOptions)List the messages in the specified folder.
ListMessagesByPage(string, MailQuery, int, int)List the messages in the specified folder.
ListMessagesFromPublicFolder(ExchangeFolderInfo)Get collection of messages from public folder
ListMessagesFromPublicFolder(string)Get collection of messages from public folder
ListPublicFolders()Gets collection of public folders from root public folder
ListSubFolders(ExchangeFolderInfo)Gets collection of child public folders from parent
ListSubFolders(string)Gets collection of child folders from parent
ListSubFolders(string, string)Gets collection of child folders from parent
ListSubFoldersByPage(string, int)Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging. Invokes for the first time in paging cycle.
ListSubFoldersByPage(string, PageInfo)Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging.
ListSubFoldersByPage(string, int, int)Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging.
ListTasks()Retrieves lists of exchange tasks for default folder.
ListTasks(string)Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.
ListTasks(string, int)Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.
ListTasks(string, MailQuery)Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.
ListTasks(string, int, MailQuery)Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.
ListTasks(string, int, MailQuery, bool)Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.
LoadContactPhoto(ContactPhoto)Loads contact photo binary data
MailDisablePublicFolder(string)Mail-disable a public folder
MailEnablePublicFolder(string)Mail-enable a public folder
MarkAllItems(bool, params string[])Marks all items in specified folders.
MarkAllItems(bool, bool, IEnumerable<string>)Marks all items in specified folders.
MarkAllItems(bool, bool, params string[])Marks all items in specified folders.
MarkAllItemsAsRead()Marks all items in inbox folder as read without receipts.
MarkAllItemsAsRead(IEnumerable<string>)Marks all items in specified folders as read without receipts.
MarkAllItemsAsRead(params string[])Marks all items in specified folders as read without receipts.
MarkAllItemsAsUnread()Marks all items in inbox folder as unread.
MarkAllItemsAsUnread(IEnumerable<string>)Marks all items in specified folders as unread.
MarkAllItemsAsUnread(params string[])Marks all items in specified folders as unread.
MarkAsJunk(bool, IEnumerable<string>)The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.
MarkAsJunk(bool, params string[])The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.
MarkAsJunk(bool, bool, IEnumerable<string>)The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.
MarkAsJunk(bool, bool, params string[])The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.
MarkAsJunk(bool, bool, IEnumerable<string>, out string[], out string[], out string[])The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.
MoveConversationItems(string, string)Moves the conversation items into the specified target folder
MoveConversationItems(string, string, string)Moves the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, into the specified target folder
MoveItem(string, string)Moves the item to specified folder
PlayOnPhone(string, string)The PlayOnPhone operation initiates an outbound call and plays a message over the telephone.
RemoveHeader(string)Remove WebHeader from WebHeaderCollection in EWS request.
Reply(MailMessage, ExchangeMessageInfo)Reply to the sender’s message.
ReplyAll(MailMessage, ExchangeMessageInfo)Reply to the sender and all recipients of a message.
ResetImpersonation()Makes the impersonation reset.
ResetSubscription()Reset all subscriptions
ResolveContact(string)Resolves ambiguous mailbox names.
ResolveContacts(string)Resolves ambiguous mailbox display names. Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used exchange command.
ResolveContacts(string, ExchangeListContactsOptions)Resolves ambiguous e-mail addresses and display names Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used EWS operation.
Restore(PersonalStorage, RestoreSettings)Restores the specified exchange folders from the given personal storage.
SaveMessage(string, Stream)Saves the message.
SaveMessage(string, string)Saves the message.
Send(MailMessage)Sends the specified message.
Send(MailMessage, FollowUpOptions)Sends the message.
Send(string, string, string, string)Sends the specified message
SetConversationReadState(string, bool)Set read state of the conversation items to the specified value
SetConversationReadState(string, string, bool)Set read state of the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, to the specified value
SetReadFlag(string)Sets the read flag.
SetReadFlag(string, bool)Marks the specifeid message as read.
SyncFolder(string)Retrieves changes of the items and subfolders in a specified folder.
SyncFolder(SyncState)Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder.
SyncFolder(string, string)Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder.
SyncFolder(string, SyncFolderType)Retrieves changes of the items and subfolders in a specified folder.
SyncFolder(string, string, IEnumerable<string>)Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder.
UpdateAppointment(Appointment)Updates appointment.
UpdateAppointment(MapiCalendar)Updates appointment.
UpdateAppointment(Appointment, string)Updates appointment.
UpdateAppointment(MapiCalendar, string)Updates appointment.
UpdateContact(Contact)Updates a contact item in the Exchange store.
UpdateContact(MapiContact)Updates a contact item in the Exchange store.
UpdateDelegate(ExchangeDelegateUser, string)Updates the delegate user settings who is granted access on the specified mailbox.
UpdateDelegates(ExchangeDelegateUserCollection, string)Updates the delegate users settings who are granted access on the specified mailbox.
UpdateInboxRule(InboxRule)Updates the specified inbox rule
UpdateInboxRule(InboxRule, string)Updates the specified inbox rule
UpdateItems(ExchangeStreamedItem[], string)Updates the specified items in to a mailbox
UpdateNote(MapiNote)Updates the specified note.
UpdateNote(string, MapiNote)Updates the specified note.
UpdateNote(string, MapiNote, IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor>)Updates the specified note.
UpdateSubscription()Updates subscriptions
UpdateTask(ExchangeTask)Updates the specified task.
UpdateTask(MapiTask)Updates the specified task.
UpdateTask(ExchangeTask, UpdateTaskOptions)Updates the specified task.
UpdateTask(string, MapiTask)Updates the specified task.
UpdateTask(string, MapiTask, IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor>)Updates the specified task.
UpdateUserConfiguration(UserConfiguration)Updates the specified user configuration


event CalendarFolderServerNotificationsOccurs when arises specified event type for Calendar folder.
event ContactsFolderServerNotificationsOccurs when arises specified event type for Contacts folder.
event DeletedItemsFolderServerNotificationsOccurs when arises specified event type for DeletedItems folder.
event DraftsFolderServerNotificationsOccurs when arises specified event type for Drafts folder.
event InboxFolderServerNotificationsOccurs when arises specified event type for Inbox folder.
event ItemSentRaised when an item is sent and save in Sent Items folder.
event JournalFolderServerNotificationsOccurs when arises specified event type for Journal folder.
event NotesFolderServerNotificationsOccurs when arises specified event type for Notes folder.
event OutboxFolderServerNotificationsOccurs when arises specified event type for Outbox folder.
event RootFolderServerNotificationsOccurs when arises specified event type for Root folder.
event SentItemsFolderServerNotificationsOccurs when arises specified event type for SentItems folder.
event TasksFolderServerNotificationsOccurs when arises specified event type for Tasks folder.

See Also