PaymentResponse class

PaymentResponse class

Payment response class.

Inheritance: PaymentResponseAbstractPaymentResponse

The PaymentResponse type exposes the following members:


PaymentResponse()Initializes a new instance of PaymentResponse class.


server_idGets or sets the ID assigned by the server to the payment.
payee_list_idGets or sets the server assigned payee list record ID for this payee.
currencyGets or sets the default currency for the Payment Response.
payment_infoGets or sets the PaymentResponse.payment_info.
extended_payeeGets or sets the PaymentResponse.extended_payee.
check_numberGets or sets the check number
payment_processing_statusGets or sets the PaymentResponse.payment_processing_status.
reference_server_idGets or sets the references the payment if it was generated by a payment.

See Also