Class | Description |
AbstractTaxForm1099 | Abstract base class of tax form 1099 classes. |
AdditionalStateTaxWithheldAggregate | State tax withheld when more than one state must be reported |
AddlStateTaxWheldAggregate | Optional state tax withholding class that handles tax withholding declarations for one or more states. |
ExtendedBInfo_V100 | Extended 1099B information typically found in 1099B broker summary reports. |
FIDirectDepositInfo | Optional direct deposit class. |
LocalTaxWithheldAggregate | Local tax withheld class. |
PayerAddress | Payer address class. |
ProceedDescription_V100 | Tax 1099-B form proceeds description class. |
ProceedSummary_V100 | Tax 1099-B form proceeds summary class. |
RecipientAddress | |
StateTaxWithheldAggregate | State tax withheld class. |
StocksBonds | Stocks, bonds, etc. |
Tax1099B_V100 | Tax 1099B V100 form class. |
Tax1099DIV_V100 | Tax 1099-DIV V100 form class. |
Tax1099INT_V100 | Tax 1099-INT V100 form class. |
Tax1099MISC_V100 | Tax 1099 MISC form class. |
Tax1099OID_V100 | Tax 1099-OID V100 form class. |
Tax1099R_V100 | Tax 1099R V100 form class. |
Tax1099Request | Tax 1099 request class. This requests all types of 1099 tax forms from the server. |
Tax1099Response | Tax 1099 response class. |
Tax1099TransactionRequest | Tax 1099 transaction request class. |
Tax1099TransactionResponse | Tax 1099 transaction response class. |
Enumeration | Description |
LongShortEnum | Long short enum. |