
SaveMultipageDocument(string, SaveFormat, List<RecognitionResult>, string)

Allows to get multipage document from list of RecognitionResult objects

public static void SaveMultipageDocument(string fullFileName, SaveFormat saveFormat, 
    List<RecognitionResult> results, string embeddedFontPath = null)
fullFileNameStringFilename with a path for saving recognition result in the selected format.
saveFormatSaveFormatDocument format (Docx, Txt, Pdf, Xlsx, Rtf, Json, Xml).
resultsList`1List of RecognitionResult objects.
embeddedFontPathStringOptionally. Full path to the user font.

See Also

SaveMultipageDocument(MemoryStream, SaveFormat, List<RecognitionResult>, string)

Allows to get multipage document from list of RecognitionResult objects

public static void SaveMultipageDocument(MemoryStream stream, SaveFormat saveFormat, 
    List<RecognitionResult> results, string embeddedFontPath = null)
streamMemoryStreamMemoryStream for saving recognition result in the selected format.
saveFormatSaveFormatDocument format (Docx, Txt, Pdf, Xlsx, Rtf, Json, Xml).
resultsList`1List of RecognitionResult objects.
embeddedFontPathStringOptionally. Full path to the user font.

See Also

SaveMultipageDocument(string, SaveFormat, List<RecognitionResult>, bool, SpellCheckLanguage, string, string)

Allows to get multipage document from list of RecognitionResult objects

public static void SaveMultipageDocument(string fullFileName, SaveFormat saveFormat, 
    List<RecognitionResult> results, bool applySpellingCorrection, 
    SpellCheckLanguage language = SpellCheckLanguage.Eng, string dictionaryPath = null, 
    string embeddedFontPath = null)
fullFileNameStringFilename with a path for saving recognition result in the selected format.
saveFormatSaveFormatDocument format (Docx, Txt, Pdf, Xlsx, Rtf, Json, Xml).
resultsList`1List of RecognitionResult objects.
applySpellingCorrectionBooleanSet true to correct misspelled words in case you have such in your recognition result.
languageSpellCheckLanguageDictionary for spell check (optional).
dictionaryPathStringOptionally. Full path to the user dictionary in .txt format. Format is [word - space - frequence(number)]. Example: the 23135851162\nthat 3400031103\n
embeddedFontPathStringOptionally. Full path to the user font.

See Also

SaveMultipageDocument(MemoryStream, SaveFormat, List<RecognitionResult>, bool, SpellCheckLanguage, string, string)

Allows to get multipage document from list of RecognitionResult objects

public static void SaveMultipageDocument(MemoryStream stream, SaveFormat saveFormat, 
    List<RecognitionResult> results, bool applySpellingCorrection, 
    SpellCheckLanguage language = SpellCheckLanguage.Eng, string dictionaryPath = null, 
    string embeddedFontPath = null)
streamMemoryStreamMemoryStream for saving recognition result in the selected format.
saveFormatSaveFormatDocument format (Docx, Txt, Pdf, Xlsx, Rtf, Json, Xml).
resultsList`1List of RecognitionResult objects.
applySpellingCorrectionBooleanSet true to correct misspelled words in case you have such in your recognition result.
languageSpellCheckLanguageDictionary for spell check (optional).
dictionaryPathStringOptionally. Full path to the user dictionary in .txt format. Format is [word - space - frequence(number)]. Example: the 23135851162\nthat 3400031103\n
embeddedFontPathStringOptionally. Full path to the user font.

See Also