
GetTemplateProcessor(MemoryStream, Encoding, FormValidationLogic)

Creates the TemplateProcessor instance that allows working with specified template.

public TemplateProcessor GetTemplateProcessor(MemoryStream templateContent, Encoding textEncoding, 
    FormValidationLogic logic = FormValidationLogic.Ignore)
templateContentMemoryStreamMemory stream with template text content
textEncodingEncodingTemplate content encoding
logicFormValidationLogicEnum that controls behavior in case one of template validation rule is broken

Return Value

The TemplateProcessor instance

See Also

GetTemplateProcessor(string, FormValidationLogic)

Creates the TemplateProcessor instance that allows working with specified template.

public TemplateProcessor GetTemplateProcessor(string templatePath, 
    FormValidationLogic logic = FormValidationLogic.Ignore)
templatePathStringThe path to the OMR template file
logicFormValidationLogicEnum that controls behavior in case one of template validation rule is broken

Return Value

The TemplateProcessor instance

See Also