Class AiImage
]AiImage class
The Adobe Illustrator (AI) Image.
public sealed class AiImage : Image
Name | Description |
AiImage() | The default constructor. |
Name | Description |
ActivePageIndex { get; set; } | Gets or sets the index of the active page. |
AutoAdjustPalette { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value indicating whether automatic adjust palette. |
virtual BackgroundColor { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value for the background color. |
override BitsPerPixel { get; } | Gets the image bits per pixel count. |
Bounds { get; } | Gets the image bounds. |
BufferSizeHint { get; set; } | Gets or sets the buffer size hint which is defined max allowed size for all internal buffers. |
Container { get; } | Gets the Image container. |
DataSection { get; } | Gets the data section. |
DataStreamContainer { get; } | Gets the object’s data stream. |
Disposed { get; } | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed. |
override FileFormat { get; } | Gets a value of file format. |
FinalizeSection { get; } | Gets the finalize section. |
virtual HasBackgroundColor { get; set; } | Gets or sets a value indicating whether image has background color. |
Header { get; } | Gets the header. |
override Height { get; } | Gets the image height. |
InterruptMonitor { get; set; } | Gets or sets the interrupt monitor. |
override IsCached { get; } | Gets a value indicating whether object’s data is cached currently and no data reading is required. |
Layers { get; } | Gets the layer sections. |
PageCount { get; } | The number of pages. For the old AI format images always equal 0. |
Palette { get; set; } | Gets or sets the color palette. The color palette is not used when pixels are represented directly. |
SetupSection { get; } | Gets the setup section. |
Size { get; } | Gets the image size. |
virtual UsePalette { get; } | Gets a value indicating whether the image palette is used. |
Version { get; } | Gets the version of Adobe Illustrator format. |
override Width { get; } | Gets the image width. |
XmpData { get; } | Gets or sets the XMP metadata. |
Name | Description |
AddLayer(AiLayerSection) | Adds the AI layer section. |
override CacheData() | Caches the data and ensures no additional data loading will be performed from the underlying DataStreamContainer . |
CanSave(ImageOptionsBase) | Determines whether image can be saved to the specified file format represented by the passed save options. |
Dispose() | Disposes the current instance. |
virtual GetDefaultOptions(object[]) | Gets the default options. |
virtual GetOriginalOptions() | Gets the options based on the original file settings. This can be helpful to keep bit-depth and other parameters of the original image unchanged. For example, if we load a black-white PNG image with 1 bit per pixel and then save it using the Save method, the output PNG image with 8-bit per pixel will be produced. To avoid it and save PNG image with 1-bit per pixel, use this method to get corresponding saving options and pass them to the Save method as the second parameter. |
Resize(int, int) | Resizes the image. The default NearestNeighbourResample is used. |
override Resize(int, int, ImageResizeSettings) | Resizes the image. |
override Resize(int, int, ResizeType) | Resizes the image. |
ResizeHeightProportionally(int) | Resizes the height proportionally. |
virtual ResizeHeightProportionally(int, ImageResizeSettings) | Resizes the height proportionally. |
virtual ResizeHeightProportionally(int, ResizeType) | Resizes the height proportionally. |
ResizeWidthProportionally(int) | Resizes the width proportionally. The default NearestNeighbourResample is used. |
virtual ResizeWidthProportionally(int, ImageResizeSettings) | Resizes the width proportionally. |
virtual ResizeWidthProportionally(int, ResizeType) | Resizes the width proportionally. |
override RotateFlip(RotateFlipType) | Rotates, flips, or rotates and flips the image. |
Save() | Saves the image data to the underlying stream. |
virtual Save(Stream) | Saves the object’s data to the specified stream. |
Save(string) | Saves the object’s data to the specified file location. |
Save(Stream, ImageOptionsBase) | Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options. |
virtual Save(string, bool) | Saves the object’s data to the specified file location. |
virtual Save(string, ImageOptionsBase) | Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options. |
virtual Save(Stream, ImageOptionsBase, Rectangle) | Saves the image’s data to the specified stream in the specified file format according to save options. |
virtual Save(string, ImageOptionsBase, Rectangle) | Saves the object’s data to the specified file location in the specified file format according to save options. |
override SetPalette(IColorPalette, bool) | Sets the image palette. |
The following example demonstrates how you can export Adobe Illustrator files to PDF format in Aspose.PSD
string sourceFilePath = "";
string outputFilePath = "rect2_color.ai_output.pdf";
using (AiImage image = (AiImage)Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
image.Save(outputFilePath, new PdfOptions());
The following example demonstrates how you can export AI file to PSD and PNG format in Aspose.PSD
string sourceFileName = "";
string outputFileName = "form_8_export";
using (AiImage image = (AiImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
image.Save(outputFileName + ".psd", new PsdOptions());
image.Save(outputFileName + ".png", new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });
The following example demonstrates the support of the exporting Ai format to PSD, PNG, JPG, GIF and TIF formats.
string[] sourcesFiles = new string[]
for (int i = 0; i < sourcesFiles.Length; i++)
string name = sourcesFiles[i];
string sourceFileName = name + ".ai";
using (AiImage image = (AiImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
string outFileName = name + ".psd";
ImageOptionsBase options = new PsdOptions();
image.Save(outFileName, options);
outFileName = name + ".png";
options = new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha };
image.Save(outFileName, options);
outFileName = name + ".jpg";
options = new JpegOptions() { Quality = 85 };
image.Save(outFileName, options);
outFileName = name + ".gif";
options = new GifOptions() { DoPaletteCorrection = false };
image.Save(outFileName, options);
outFileName = name + ".tif";
options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgba);
image.Save(outFileName, options);
See Also
- class Image
- namespace Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Ai
- assembly Aspose.PSD