Class PsdColorPalette

PsdColorPalette class

The PSD color palette.

public class PsdColorPalette : IPsdColorPalette


PsdColorPalette(byte[])Initializes a new instance of the PsdColorPalette class and IsCompactPalette is false.
PsdColorPalette(Color[])Initializes a new instance of the PsdColorPalette class and IsCompactPalette is false.
PsdColorPalette(IColorPalette)Initializes a new instance of the PsdColorPalette class.
PsdColorPalette(byte[], bool)Initializes a new instance of the PsdColorPalette class.
PsdColorPalette(byte[], short)Initializes a new instance of the PsdColorPalette class and IsCompactPalette is false.
PsdColorPalette(Color[], bool)Initializes a new instance of the PsdColorPalette class.
PsdColorPalette(Color[], short)Initializes a new instance of the PsdColorPalette class and IsCompactPalette is false.
PsdColorPalette(IColorPalette, short)Initializes a new instance of the PsdColorPalette class.
PsdColorPalette(int[], bool)Initializes a new instance of the PsdColorPalette class.
PsdColorPalette(byte[], short, bool)Initializes a new instance of the PsdColorPalette class.
PsdColorPalette(Color[], short, bool)Initializes a new instance of the PsdColorPalette class.


Argb32Entries { get; }Gets an array of 32-bit ARGB colors.
Entries { get; }Gets an array of Color structures.
EntriesCount { get; }Gets the entries count.
HasTransparentColor { get; }Gets a value indicating whether transparent color exists.
IsCompactPalette { get; }Gets a value indicating whether compact it palette.
RawEntries { get; }Gets the raw color palette entries data.
RawEntriesCount { get; }Gets the raw color palette entries count.
TransparentColor { get; }Gets the transparent color.
TransparentIndex { get; }Gets the index of the transparent color.


static CopyPalette(IColorPalette)Copies the palette.
static CopyPalette(IColorPalette, bool)Copies the palette.
GetArgb32Color(int)Gets the 32-bit ARGB palette color by index.
GetColor(int)Gets the palette color by index.
GetNearestColorIndex(Color)Gets the index of the nearest color.
GetNearestColorIndex(int)Gets the index of the nearest color.

See Also